Olbermann to Moderate AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum
Brian Zick
Anonymous CIA Pros Helped Expose Bush/Rumsfeld Torture and Rendition Policies
Brian Zick
Blog Comment Mercenaries
Brian Zick
Bush Said to Be Setting Up Petraeus as Scapegoat for Policy Failures
Brian Zick
Bush Clemency of Libby Cited by Attorney Asking Supreme Court to Rehear Parallel Case
Brian Zick
District of Columbia Takes Gun Law Case to Supreme Court
Brian Zick
Reid: Republicans “are protecting the President rather than protecting our troops”
Brian Zick
Tillman Fratricide Hearings: What Did Rumsfeld and DoD Know, and When Did They Know It?
Brian Zick
Forty Four Attorneys General Petition Congress to Investigate Prosecution of Don Siegelman
Brian Zick
Democrats Sit on Report Which Reveals Intel Committee Links to Duke Cunningham Crimes
Brian Zick
The Spirit of George Bush’s America
Brian Zick
Discussing Impeachment
Brian Zick
Saturday Cartoon
Brian Zick
Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Maliki Says Troops Can Leave “Any Time They Want”
Brian Zick
NY Times: Hold Miers In Contempt, and Sarah Taylor Too
Brian Zick
White House Stonewalling Inquiry Into Circumstances of Pat Tillman’s Death
Brian Zick
Teleconferencing with Commanders in Iraq Makes Dick Sleepy
Brian Zick
House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas RNC, Conyers Tells Miers She’d Best Change her Mind
Brian Zick
Warner and Lugar Propose New War Authorization Requiring Bush to Explain Why U.S. Is In Iraq
Brian Zick
Murtha: Bush Is “Delusional”
Brian Zick
Judge Reggie Directs Snark at Bush’s False Characterization of Libby Sentence as “Excess
Brian Zick
Larry Flynt Taking Aim at 20 Targets
Brian Zick
Supreme Court Future
Brian Zick
Miers Contempt Process Begins
Brian Zick
Waxman Investigating Partisan Political Interference with Office of the Surgeon General
Brian Zick
Bush Commits Felony by Instructing Miers Not to Honor Subpoena
Brian Zick
Miers Stiffs Committee, Conyers Says Failure to Respond to Subpoena Could Trigger Contempt Process
Brian Zick
Judiciary Hearings on Presidential Clemency Power
Brian Zick
Republicans Block Support for the Troops
Brian Zick
Sara Taylor at the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings
Brian Zick
Even WaPo Editorial Slams Gonzales
Brian Zick
NY Times Editorial: Hold Taylor and Miers In Contempt If They Cite Executive Privilege
Brian Zick
Leahy on Libby: “His Silence Has Been Bought and Paid For”
Brian Zick
Senate Panel Cuts Funds for VP Office Until Cheney Complies with Disclosure Rules
Brian Zick
Conyers and Sanchez Confirm Miers Will Show for Thursday Hearings
Brian Zick
Former Bush Surgeon General Speaks Out
Brian Zick
Another Day, Another Lie by Alberto Gonzales
Brian Zick
GOP Family Values
Brian Zick
Michael Moore vs Wolf Blitzer
Brian Zick
The Wise Move
Brian Zick
House Judiciary Committee Hearings on Crony Commutations
Brian Zick
Understanding Impeachment
Brian Zick
Michael’s Moore’s “Sicko” Gets a Movie Review from Insurance Company Exec
Brian Zick
Cheney’s Iran/Contra Legacy: Breaking the Law to Achieve Political Goals Is Presidential Prero
Brian Zick
White House Fearful of Republicans Abandoning Bush Iraq Policy, Talking Troop Withdrawal
Brian Zick
Documents Reveal Voter Suppression Discussions In Florida 2004
Brian Zick
Dick Nixon: Fred Thompson Is “Dumb As Hell”
Brian Zick
Will Fitz Testify to Senate Judiciary Committee?
Brian Zick