John Kerry Slams Republicans, Draws Fire and Slams ‘Em Again
Brian Zick
Mike Stark Pressing Assault Charges Against George Allen
Brian Zick
Fitzmas Update 10/31/06
Brian Zick
ABC Advertisers Blacklist Air America
Brian Zick
Stephen Colbert on Limbaugh v Fox
Brian Zick
George Allen Thugs Assault A Voter For Asking A Question
Brian Zick
“Congressman, Call Me!”
Brian Zick
Sky Is Blue, Water Is Wet, Bears Poop In Woods, Voting Machine Irregularities Favor Republicans
Brian Zick
Marilyn Musgrave Refuses to Answer Voter Question, Claims Public Street Is Her Private Property
Brian Zick
Nasty Bully Michael J. Fox Beats Up Poor Defenseless Frightened Victim Limbaugh
Brian Zick
Assault Probe of GOP Gov Candidate Gibbons Re-opened
Brian Zick
Virginia State Bar Urged to Release Documents Explaining Arrest Warrants for George Felix Allen
Brian Zick
Monday Morning Comedy Relief
Brian Zick
Originator of Plastic Pink Flamingo Goes Out of Business
Brian Zick
RNC Chair Ken Mehlman: The Republican National Committee Is NOT Responsible For Ads It Makes
Brian Zick
Olbermann Delivers Eulogy for “Stay the Course”
Brian Zick
ACLU Withdraws Legal Challenge to “Patriot Act”
Brian Zick
New York Times Endorses Ned Lamont
Brian Zick
Jim Webb: “Sombody told me yesterday that I’ve written more books than George Allen has
Brian Zick
Gen. JC Christian, Patriot, Helps Clarify the GOP Message for Bob Corker in Tennessee
Brian Zick
Two New Lamont Ads
Brian Zick
Polling and Prognostication, Statistics and Wishful Thinking
Brian Zick
Letterman v O’Reilly
Brian Zick
Hastert’s Office Obstructed Corruption Investigation
Brian Zick
It’s Official; Inspector General Says Halliburton Violated Regulations To Hide Corporate Behav
Brian Zick
Safavian Sentenced To 18 Months In The Slammer
Brian Zick
Letterman Whups O’Reilly’s Ass Again
Brian Zick
NBC Advertising Policy: “Criticism of President Bush Not Acceptable”
Brian Zick
Fitzmas Update 10/27/06
Brian Zick
Katie Couric: Diseased People Should Wait For “A Better Day” To Show Themselves In Publi
Brian Zick
Matt Lauer Sides With Limbaugh, Bravely Endorses Attacks On Evil ParkinsoNazi Thug Michael J. Fox
Brian Zick
GOP Leadership Turned Blind Eye to Complaints of Another GOP Page Problem, Jim Kolbe
Brian Zick
It’s Not Just That Republicans Lie, It’s How Laughably Easy It Is to Expose Them As Liar
Brian Zick
Absentee Ballots for Democrats Abroad
Brian Zick
Extremely Desperate GOP Tries Passing Off Faked Photo and Imaginary Quote As Real
Brian Zick
Alleged Victim of Assault by GOP Candidate for Nevada Gov Now Claims Cover Up and Bribe Attempt
Brian Zick
The New York Times Reads MyDD
Brian Zick
GOP Hero Limbaugh Proudly Fights The Evil Liberal ParkinsoNazis
Brian Zick
Olbermann Keeps Score of Bush Saying “Stay the Course”; Tony Snow’s Lies Worse Tha
Brian Zick
Cheney Confirms Bush Administration Employs What Everybody Else On The Planet Defines As Torture
Brian Zick
It Would Be A Surprise All Right
Brian Zick
Remembering Paul Wellstone
Brian Zick
NJ Supreme Court: Gays Have Equal Right to Marriage Benefits, But Not to the Word “Marriage&#8
Brian Zick
Another Powerful VoteVets Ad
Brian Zick
New DNC Ad: Bush and “Stay the Course”
Brian Zick
Global Fight Against AIDS and Poverty
Brian Zick
And the List of GOP Lawbreakers Just Keeps Growing
Brian Zick
And Yet Another Republican Under Criminal Investigation
Brian Zick
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