Candice Bernd is an editor and staff reporter at Truthout. Her work has also appeared in several other publications, including The Nation, In These Times, the Texas Observer, Salon, Rewire.News, YES! Magazine and Earth Island Journal, as well as in Truthout’s anthology on police violence, Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect? She received two awards from the San Francisco Press Club in November 2018, and the Dallas Peace and Justice Center’s annual journalism award in December 2016. Follow her on Twitter: @CandiceBernd.

Democrats Must Do More To Turn Out Latino Voters in 2020
This means dedicated voter outreach and a bold, progressive immigration platform.
Candice Bernd
I Am Jane Doe
Candice Bernd

New Poll Supports Female Workers’ Discrimination Claims, as ‘OUR Walmart’ Pushes for Change
Candice Bernd
Chicago City Council Members Adopt ‘The People’s Resolution’
Candice Bernd

The Struggle to Save ‘La Casita’ (SLIDESHOW)
A school occupation begins anew, as parents try to hold the Chicago Public School system to its word
Candice Bernd
Chicago Dyke March Fights to Break Oppressive Gender System
Candice Bernd

Strained Hyatt Workers Continue to Push for Fair Negotiations
Candice Bernd
Chicago City Colleges Take Corporate Turn, While Unions and Students Fight Back
Candice Bernd
Civil Unions Not Enough for Chicago LGBT Activists Pushing for DOMA Repeal
Candice Bernd
FBI Agent’s Accidental Document Dump—and Uncle Sam’s Fear of Antiwar Activists
Candice Bernd
New Public Health Campaign Aims to End Ronald McDonald’s Career
Candice Bernd