David Moberg, a former senior editor of In These Times, was on staff with the magazine from when it began publishing in 1976 until his passing in July 2022. Before joining In These Times, he completed his work for a Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Chicago and worked for Newsweek. He received fellowships from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Nation Institute for research on the new global economy.
David Moberg worked with In These Times from its inception in 1976 until his death in 2022; During that time, he established himself as one of the country’s leading journalists covering the labor movement.
As a senior editor for In These Times, Moberg wrote about new battlefronts for labor, examined the past and present strategy of the labor movement and profiled many labor fights before they were covered in the mainstream media. Additionally, his areas of expertise encompassed globalization and trade, economic policy, national politics, urban affairs, the environment and energy.
Moberg was awarded numerous accolades for his journalism efforts, including the Max Steinbock Award from the International Labor Communications Association, (2003); Forbes MediaGuide 500: A review of the Nation’s Most Important Journalists (1993, 1994), and a Project Censored Award in 1995. He has also received fellowships from organizations such as The Nation Institute (1999-2001) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (1995-1997).
Moberg also wrote for The Nation, The American Prospect, The Progressive, Salon, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun Times, the Chicago Tribune Magazine, the Chicago Reader, Chicago, The New Republic, Dissent, L.A. Weekly, World Policy Journal, Newsday, the Boston Globe, Utne Reader, Mother Jones, and others.
Moberg also contributed to a series of books including: Appeal to Reason: 25 Years of In These Times (Seven Stories, 2002); The Next Agenda (Westview Press, 2001); Which Direction for Organized Labor? (Wayne State University Press, 1999); Not Your Father’s Union Movement (WW Norton & Company Inc., 1998); Can We Put an End to Sweatshops? (Beacon Press, 2001); Making Work Pay: America After Welfare (WW Norton & Company Inc., 2002); The New Chicago (to be released); Encyclopedia of Chicago History (2004), and others.
In addition to his work at In These Times, Moberg taught sociology and anthropology at DePaul University, Roosevelt University, Loyola University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, and Northeastern Illinois University.

Tough Task for Obama: Convince Country That If Not for Govt., Things Would Be Worse
David Moberg

Biting the Hand That Feeds
Capitalist elites attack what saved them: government.
David Moberg
UNITE HERE, SEIU Resolve Major Dispute, Agree on Division of Money, Members, Organizing
David Moberg

Hundreds Sit Down in Chicago To Send Hyatt A Message
David Moberg
A Dangerous Combo: Weak Job Markets and Republican Stupidity
David Moberg

Public Worker Union Leader William Lucy Steps Down, Speaks Out [UPDATED]
David Moberg

On the Road to a Jobless Recovery
Democrats and unions fail to make job creation a national priority.
David Moberg

Labor Leader Calls For Protecting Europe From ‘World of Goldman Sachs’
David Moberg

Labor Celebrates Primary Wins, Looks Ahead to Hard—and Expensive—Political Year
David Moberg
Mary Kay Henry Interview: New SEIU Leader Sets Ambitious Organizing, Political Goals
David Moberg

The New Face of SEIU
Mary Kay Henry takes the helm of America’s second-biggest union, as Andy Stern departs.
David Moberg

Government Workers: Leeches on Public Purse or Underpaid and Underappreciated?
David Moberg
New SEIU Chief, Mary Kay Henry, Charts Her Path for Union
David Moberg
Job Growth Picks Up, But Unemployment Insurance Crisis Looms
David Moberg
NYU Grad Student Workers Renew Fight for Right to Organize
David Moberg
Remembering the Dead, Fighting for the Living
David Moberg

Mandated Paid Sick Days: Finally Coming to America?
David Moberg
Post-Stern SEIU: In Upset, Mary Kay Henry Nails Down Presidency
David Moberg

Foreclosed Dreams
The Obama administration’s remedy for the housing crisis benefits bankers, not homeowners.
David Moberg

More Nurses=Fewer Deaths, Hospital Study Shows
David Moberg

Confronting Americans’ Ambivalence on Taxes
David Moberg
SEIU Wins Fraction of Damages Sought Against NUHW, As Both Sides Claim Victory
David Moberg

Fatalities Higher at Non-Union Mines—Like Massey’s Upper Big Branch
David Moberg
Chicago’s Widespread Wage Theft Epidemic
David Moberg
A Free Solution to the Jobs Crisis: End China’s Currency Manipulation
David Moberg

U.S., International Unions Aid Haitians’ Fight for Good Jobs and Reconstruction
David Moberg
AFL-CIO: ‘Imperfect’ Health Reform is ‘Important First Step’
David Moberg

Will Obama Pursue Promised New Approach to Trade, or Continue Bush Model?
David Moberg

Timeout for Labor in Florida
Union leaders huddle to assess alliances, propose jobs program.
David Moberg

Nationwide Bank Protests Push Reform Agenda, Ask ‘Where’s My Bailout?’
David Moberg

Unions Plan Political Work Despite Strained Relations With Obama
David Moberg
Appraising Obama Alliance, Labor Leaders Push for Jobs
David Moberg

AFL-CIO Leaders Assemble This Week to Talk Jobs, Strategize
David Moberg

Unions Fight to Save—and Stimulate—Manufacturing Jobs
David Moberg

‘Kaleidoscopic’ Worker Protests Grow in Iran
David Moberg

Too Important to Fail
The feds saved Goldman Sachs and other banks deemed ‘too big to fail,’ but Park National was left to swing in the wind.
David Moberg
In Thriving Healthcare Industry, Nurses Fight Concession Demands
David Moberg

Gross Inaccuracies
The debate over why the GDP is flawed is about more than numbers.
David Moberg

Tough Fights in Senate, as GOP Blocks Obama Labor Appointees (Updated)
David Moberg
Will NUHW Election Win Spark Larger Exodus From SEIU?
David Moberg
Unions At Odds In Campaign to Organize Multinational Sodexho
David Moberg
Recession Pushes Union Membership Down
David Moberg

The Meaning of Massachusetts’ ‘Working-Class Revolt’
David Moberg
Teamsters Council Ousts Reform Leader from Chicago Presidency
David Moberg
More Job Losses in December. Will Congress Act?
David Moberg
‘Cadillac’ Health Insurance Tax’s Flawed Defense
David Moberg
Upstart Union Deals Blow to SEIU, Raises Prospects for Future Fights
David Moberg

SEIU: Obama Workplace Immigration Enforcement Flawed
David Moberg