Eileen Jones is a film critic at Jacobin and author of the book Filmsuck, USA. She teaches at the University of California, Berkeley.

War for the Planet of the Apes Lacks the Courage of Its Convictions
Koba should've won.
Eileen Jones

The Milquetoast Militants of Showtime’s “Guerrilla”
The protagonists' middle-class naiveté rolls off them in waves.
Eileen Jones

The Android Manifesto: Finding Marx in Westworld
The HBO drama is a surprisingly astute tale of alienated labor and false consciousness.
Eileen Jones

Jane Austen, Class Warrior
Most Austen adaptations are little more than 'buttoned-up, tea-drinking porn.' But Whit Stillman's new film 'Love & Friendship' foregrounds Austen's sharp observations on social mobility.
Eileen Jones

Terry Jones’ ‘Boom Bust Boom’ and the Greedy Monkey Theory of Economic Collapse
In a new doc, Monty Python's Jones illustrates capitalism's tendency toward disaster
Eileen Jones

Watching Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Hateful Eight’ Is Three Hours of Self-Punishment and I Loved It
Tarantino gives us a hangman-based civilization, with specious “law and order” talk doing nothing to obscure the essential cruelty of his characters’ actions.
Eileen Jones

The New Star Wars Film is the Same Old Hackneyed Nonsense—Please Don’t Kill Me for Saying It
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens racking up more and more acclaim, have audiences forgotten the narrative complexity and moral ambiguity cinema is capable of?
Eileen Jones

Clint Eastwood: The Good, the Bad and the Reactionary
Patrick McGilligan's unauthorized biography of the film legend, updated through 2015, suffers from bastard fatigue: There are just too many examples of Eastwood's perfidy.
Eileen Jones

Underneath the Laughs, ‘Trainwreck’ Is Just Another Regressive Rom Com
For all its wit and unabashed vulgarity, Amy Schumer's film follows a tired formula
Eileen Jones

The Stanford Prison Experiment Actually Shows We Are Not All Born Potential Tyrants
The film adaptation of the Stanford prison experiment explores little of its ambiguity.
Eileen Jones

A Shaky Launch for HBO’s The Brink
The new black comedy about nuclear war misses its target.
Eileen Jones

Why Some Vets Want to Relive Vietnam
A new documentary follows the weird subculture of Vietnam War reenactors—some of whom were actually there.
Eileen Jones

Actually, Mad Max: Fury Road Isn’t That Feminist; And It Isn’t That Good, Either
Turns out the MRAs aren't the best judges of feminism.
Eileen Jones

Why So Many Celebrities Are Scientologists: Going Clear, Revealing New HBO Doc, Holds Clues
One explanation is hidden in plain sight: the way the cult mirrors the star-obsessed, profit-driven culture of Hollywood.
Eileen Jones