Jeff Schuhrke is a labor historian and assistant professor at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies, SUNY Empire State University. He is the author of Blue-Collar Empire: The Untold Story of US Labor’s Global Anticommunist Crusade.

Truck Unloader: ‘The Worst Part of My Job Is the Paycheck’
Jeff Schuhrke

Supermarket Checker: ‘If You Want Personality, Then You Come to My Line’
Jeff Schuhrke

Equal Work Deserves Equal Pay, Say UMass Amherst Professors
Jeff Schuhrke

Fired Walmart Warehouse Workers Win $50,000 in Back Pay
Jeff Schuhrke

Cooperation Without Borders
Jeff Schuhrke

Dream Defenders Stand Their Ground
Occupying the New Jim Crow system.
Jeff Schuhrke

New Englanders Gather To Back Wal-Mart Worker
Jeff Schuhrke

Seeking Environmental Justice, Community Battles Railroad and Rahm
Jeff Schuhrke
Judge Rules Stop-and-Frisk Unconstitutional; Bloomberg Still Defends It
Jeff Schuhrke

In Massive Strikes, Fast-Food and Retail Workers Discover Collective Power
Jeff Schuhrke

The Key to Stemming Gun Violence? Raise Wages, Say Chicago Retail Workers
Jeff Schuhrke
Smithsonian Workers Stage Walkout, Demanding a Living Wage
Jeff Schuhrke

Deli Worker Speaks Out Against Sexual Harassment and Racial Slurs
Jeff Schuhrke

Global Movement to End Death Traps Mobilizes Supply-Chain Solidarity
Jeff Schuhrke
Supreme Court Decision ‘Puts a Dagger in the Heart of the Voting Rights Act’
Jeff Schuhrke
SCOTUS Rules AIDS Aid Can’t Discriminate Against Sex Workers
Jeff Schuhrke

22 Arrested in New Wave of Resistance to Keystone XL Pipeline
Jeff Schuhrke