Jeff Schuhrke is a labor historian and assistant professor at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies, SUNY Empire State University. He is the author of Blue-Collar Empire: The Untold Story of US Labor’s Global Anticommunist Crusade.

The Labor Movement Has a Game Plan for the Biden Era
This time, unions intend to get something done.
Jeff Schuhrke

Chicago Teachers Are Considering a Strike Amid Pandemic Surge
With Covid cases rising, the Chicago Teachers Union and its allies are resisting Mayor Lightfoot's plan to force educators back into the classroom—and could walk off the job.
Jeff Schuhrke

“This Strike Is a Fight for Our Lives”: Healthcare Workers Are Walking Off the Job to Demand Pandemic Protections
In Chicago and across the country, a wave of strikes by nursing home aides and other healthcare workers is showing that collective action is necessary for survival.
Jeff Schuhrke

Millions of U.S Workers for Walmart, McDonald’s and Other Corporate Giants Rely on Food Stamps and Medicaid
A new report commissioned by Bernie Sanders shows that corporations are soaking up profits—while paying workers so little they depend on government assistance to survive.
Jeff Schuhrke

"We Won’t Let Him": Unions Nationwide Are Planning a General Strike If Trump Tries to Steal the Election
President Trump has signaled he’s ready to declare victory before all the votes are counted. These unions are saying "hell no"—by planning massive workplace actions.
Jeff Schuhrke

Trump’s Calls for Voter Intimidation Are Already Being Heeded. Here’s How to Respond.
We could see a deluge of Trump-sponsored voter intimidation on Election Day. Protecting our democracy requires stopping it in its tracks.
Jeff Schuhrke

The Nightmare Facing the Poor and Working Class If There’s Not Another Stimulus
With time running out and Republicans balking at more Covid relief, U.S. workers are facing a future of financial misery.
Jeff Schuhrke

Healthcare Workers Are Leading the Largest Strike Ever at the University of Illinois-Chicago
In the face of a deadly pandemic, UIC’s largely Black and Latino hospital workforce is demanding workplace safety and livable wages.
Jeff Schuhrke

OSHA Is Failing Essential Workers. Why Not Let Them Sue Their Bosses?
Jeff Schuhrke

Weed That’s Legal and Union: Marijuana Dispensary Becomes First in Illinois to Unionize
Jeff Schuhrke

Field Museum Workers Say It’s Time for the CEO to Start Making Sacrifices, Too
Jeff Schuhrke

Labor Unions Were Crucial in Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire Victory
Jeff Schuhrke

To Build a Left-Wing Unionism, We Must Reckon With the AFL-CIO’s Imperialist Past
Jeff Schuhrke

Why 15,000 Indiana Teachers Just Walked Off the Job
Jeff Schuhrke

Elizabeth Warren Says Make the Rich Pay for Striking Chicago Teachers’ Demands
Jeff Schuhrke

Chicago Teachers Won Public Support for Their Strike. Here’s How.
Jeff Schuhrke

Graduate Workers Are Going to Fight Like Hell to Stop the Trump NLRB’s New Rule
Jeff Schuhrke

Did You Get a Text Inviting You to a Picket Line? It Might Be from Bernie Sanders.
Jeff Schuhrke

We’ve Been Fighting for $15 For 7 Years. Today I’m Celebrating a Historic Victory.
Jeff Schuhrke

When Janus Backfires: A Test Case In Labor Solidarity After Fair Share
Jeff Schuhrke

Hyatt Workers Win 4-Week Strike, Hours After Third Coast Audio Festival Refused to Cross Picket Line
Jeff Schuhrke

Today Amazon, Tomorrow the Railroad Industry: The Fight for $15 Rolls On
Jeff Schuhrke

Thousands of Chicago Workers Are Out On the First Citywide Hotel Strike In Over a Century
Jeff Schuhrke

Voters Just Killed Right to Work in Missouri, Proving Labor Still Has Power Under Janus
Jeff Schuhrke

Remembering Ed Sadlowski: Labor Activist, Democratic Socialist and Crusader for the Rank-and-File
Jeff Schuhrke

After Loyola’s Cinderella NCAA Run, Faculty Are Out On Strike. Where Is Sister Jean?
Jeff Schuhrke

In a Historic First, the Chicago Teachers Union and Charter School Teachers Have Joined Forces
Jeff Schuhrke

The House GOP’s Tax Bill Would Make Graduate School Too Expensive For All But the Rich
Jeff Schuhrke

Workers Say NAFTA’s Neoliberal Foundations Need to Be Dismantled from the Left—Not the Right
Jeff Schuhrke

A Trailblazing New Law in Illinois Will Dramatically Expand Temp Workers’ Rights
Jeff Schuhrke

8,000 Airport Workers in Chicago Just Won a Wage Raise and the Right to a Union
Jeff Schuhrke

Workers May Have Just Killed Missouri’s Right to Work Law
Jeff Schuhrke

Cab Drivers Union Says Chicago Taxi Industry Is Nearing Collapse
Jeff Schuhrke

Charter School Educators Just Voted to Join the Most Militant Teachers’ Union in the Country
Jeff Schuhrke

Will Chicago Become the Epicenter of Charter School Unionization?
Jeff Schuhrke

First Charter School Teacher Strike in U.S. History Narrowly Averted by Last-Minute Agreement
Jeff Schuhrke

New Study Finds “More Sweatshops than Starbucks” in Chicago
Jeff Schuhrke

Chicago Teachers Are Trying to Organize the Biggest Charter School Union in the U.S.
Jeff Schuhrke

Groundbreaking Bill in Illinois Would Give Temp Workers Equal Pay and Rights as Direct Hires
Jeff Schuhrke

Ohio Factory Workers Fight for a Union: “Everyone Deserves a Seat at the Table”
Jeff Schuhrke

The Fight For Free College Moves to the States
How student organizers and a state representative are campaigning to eliminate tuition in Illinois.
Jeff Schuhrke

In Wake of NLRB Ruling, AFT and SEIU Vie to Organize Grad Student Workers at Northwestern
Jeff Schuhrke

Labor Research and Action Network Aims To Connect Researchers and Scholars with the Labor Movement
Jeff Schuhrke

New Chicago Law Will Give Almost Half a Million Workers Guaranteed Paid Sick Leave
Jeff Schuhrke

Chicago Workers Are Close to Winning a New Paid Sick Leave Law
Jeff Schuhrke

Univ. of Massachusetts Grad Student Workers Endorse BDS Against Israel
Jeff Schuhrke

American and Palestinian Unionists Build International Solidarity To Win ‘Freedom’ for Palestine
Jeff Schuhrke

Physical Therapist: ‘We Get Teased a Lot About How Mean We Are’
Jeff Schuhrke