Lindsay Beyerstein is an award-winning investigative journalist and In These Times staff writer who writes the blog Duly Noted. Her stories have appeared in Newsweek, Salon, Slate, The Nation, Ms. Magazine, and other publications. Her photographs have been published in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times’ City Room. She also blogs at The Hillman Blog (, a publication of the Sidney Hillman Foundation, a non-profit that honors journalism in the public interest.
Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Lindsay traveled to Boston to earn a Master’s Degree in philosophy from Tufts University. After graduating from Tufts, Lindsay moved to New York City where she briefly worked in pharmaceutical advertising and started her blog Majikthise.
Majikthise was initially conceived as an amalgam of analytic philosophy and liberal politics. However, the politics gradually eclipsed the philosophy as Lindsay spent more and more of her time chronicling the abuses of the Bush administration. Eventually, Majikthise began supplementing her opinion writing with original reporting.
In 2005, Lindsay traveled to New Orleans to cover the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Later that year, her blog readers funded her live coverage of Tom DeLay’s first court appearance in Austin, Texas on money laundering charges. Other major stories she has covered include the New York Transit Strike and the closing days of the Allen/Webb senate race in Virginia in the 2006 midterm elections.
In 2006 Lindsay quit her day job in advertising to pursue journalism full-time. She joined the investigative team at Raw Story as a national correspondent specializing in labor, immigration, and crime issues, and worked as a metro reporter for Chelsea Now.
Lindsay lectures regularly on blogging and journalism. In April 2007, she delivered the Richardson Memorial Lecture at the University of Gettysburg on the relationship between objectivity and journalism. She has also spoken to the National Organization for Women, the Center for American Progress, and other groups.

“A Guide to the ‘Snake Fight’ Portion of Your PhD Dissertation”
Lindsay Beyerstein
Can’t Pay Your Speeding Ticket? Go To Jail
Lindsay Beyerstein

Prohibition Follies: Camps Ban Sunscreen as Drug
Lindsay Beyerstein

Naturopaths Prescribing Pharmaceuticals?!
Lindsay Beyerstein

Home Birth in the Netherlands Doesn’t Mean What You Think it Means
Lindsay Beyerstein

Meet ITT’s Next Web Editor: Jessica Stites
Lindsay Beyerstein

Michelle Goldberg on Home Birth Backlash
Lindsay Beyerstein

Anne-Marie Slaughter Has It All
Lindsay Beyerstein

B.S. is Fattening: Pizza Edition
Lindsay Beyerstein
FDA Didn’t Change Emergency Contraception Lingo After All
Lindsay Beyerstein
Podcast: Talking Mesh with Amanda Marcotte of RH RealityCast
Lindsay Beyerstein

Are There No Workhouses?
Lindsay Beyerstein

The Meaning of Heroism
Too often, the Right uses the "hero" label to stifle dissent.
Lindsay Beyerstein

A Female Surgical Nightmare
How a problematic medical device has escaped FDA regulation.
Lindsay Beyerstein

#PDF12: Julie Ruvalo on and Sex Trafficking
Lindsay Beyerstein
#PDF12: Jaron Lanier vs. Cyberplutocracy
Lindsay Beyerstein
Live from Personal Democracy Forum 2012
Lindsay Beyerstein
Chuck Klosterman is the Ethicist?
Lindsay Beyerstein

Money Talks: Wisconsin Recall by the Numbers
Lindsay Beyerstein

Wisconsin Recall Vote: Required Reading
Lindsay Beyerstein

NYT: Extra! Extra! Correlation=Causation
Lindsay Beyerstein
David Frum Unclear on the Concept of Gaffes
Lindsay Beyerstein
Erik Wemple on Chris Hayes
Lindsay Beyerstein
Chris Hayes Apologizes For Stating the Obvious
Lindsay Beyerstein

Norway Scraps State Church, Goes Secular
Lindsay Beyerstein
We Are All S.E. Cupp, the Conservative Pundit Bullied by Hustler
Lindsay Beyerstein

Langur Management
Lindsay Beyerstein

Limbaugh Ratings Sag After Fluke Fracas
Lindsay Beyerstein

The Boston Review on Elizabeth Badinter’s “The Conflict”
Lindsay Beyerstein
NAACP Endorses Marriage Equality
Lindsay Beyerstein

“I Would Get Arrested If I Unzipped That Dress”
Lindsay Beyerstein
No Sympathy for Psychopaths
Lindsay Beyerstein

Beat the Press: The Stupidity of Occupy Assaults on Photojournalists
Lindsay Beyerstein
Camp Psychopath?
Lindsay Beyerstein

Red Slime: Scourge of Supermarket Sushi
Lindsay Beyerstein

Naomi Schaefer Riley: You Knew What I Was When You Picked Me Up
Lindsay Beyerstein
Is ‘Pro-Life’ Dissident Chen Really Pro-Life?
Lindsay Beyerstein

Yale Gives Gen. McChrystal an Accountability-Free Soapbox
Lindsay Beyerstein

The Unabomber Still Believes in Gravity. Do You?
Lindsay Beyerstein

Anthony Bourdain’s Glorious Trash Talk
Lindsay Beyerstein
Poor People Don’t Need Lawyers?
Lindsay Beyerstein

Review: “Into the Abyss” by Werner Herzog
Lindsay Beyerstein

Deaths at Work Rose in 2010
Lindsay Beyerstein

What Ogopogo Can Teach Us About the G-Spot
Lindsay Beyerstein

Raw Milk Freedom Riders? Gag Me
Lindsay Beyerstein
‘Asking Can Sometimes Be a Turnoff’
Lindsay Beyerstein

Trusting the Press Less
Lindsay Beyerstein

Romney Expects Female Supporters to Bake Him Cookies
Lindsay Beyerstein