Lindsay Beyerstein is an award-winning investigative journalist and In These Times staff writer who writes the blog Duly Noted. Her stories have appeared in Newsweek, Salon, Slate, The Nation, Ms. Magazine, and other publications. Her photographs have been published in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times’ City Room. She also blogs at The Hillman Blog (, a publication of the Sidney Hillman Foundation, a non-profit that honors journalism in the public interest.
Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Lindsay traveled to Boston to earn a Master’s Degree in philosophy from Tufts University. After graduating from Tufts, Lindsay moved to New York City where she briefly worked in pharmaceutical advertising and started her blog Majikthise.
Majikthise was initially conceived as an amalgam of analytic philosophy and liberal politics. However, the politics gradually eclipsed the philosophy as Lindsay spent more and more of her time chronicling the abuses of the Bush administration. Eventually, Majikthise began supplementing her opinion writing with original reporting.
In 2005, Lindsay traveled to New Orleans to cover the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Later that year, her blog readers funded her live coverage of Tom DeLay’s first court appearance in Austin, Texas on money laundering charges. Other major stories she has covered include the New York Transit Strike and the closing days of the Allen/Webb senate race in Virginia in the 2006 midterm elections.
In 2006 Lindsay quit her day job in advertising to pursue journalism full-time. She joined the investigative team at Raw Story as a national correspondent specializing in labor, immigration, and crime issues, and worked as a metro reporter for Chelsea Now.
Lindsay lectures regularly on blogging and journalism. In April 2007, she delivered the Richardson Memorial Lecture at the University of Gettysburg on the relationship between objectivity and journalism. She has also spoken to the National Organization for Women, the Center for American Progress, and other groups.
Kindly Old Ron Paul Would Let You Have Emergency Contraception After ‘Honest Rape’
Lindsay Beyerstein

Is Komen’s Apology a PR Gambit?
Lindsay Beyerstein

Susan G. Komen Apologizes for Dumping Planned Parenthood
Lindsay Beyerstein

Pink Fibbin’: Susan G. Komen’s Lies About Breast Cancer
Lindsay Beyerstein

Susan G. Komen Foundation Dumps Planned Parenthood
Lindsay Beyerstein

Adam Gopnik on Mass Incarceration & Stop-and-Frisks
Lindsay Beyerstein

The Global Economy and the Future of Sushi
Lindsay Beyerstein
CDC: Morgellons Disease Not Caused by Fibers
Lindsay Beyerstein

Stem Cells Reverse Erectile Dysfunction
Lindsay Beyerstein

Let the Sitter Use the Damn DVR
Lindsay Beyerstein

Snowy Owl Invasion
Lindsay Beyerstein

Joe Paterno Died of Lung Cancer, Not a “Broken Heart”
Lindsay Beyerstein

Obama Administration Stands Up To the Bishops, Finally
Lindsay Beyerstein

Newt Favors Newt Communism
Lindsay Beyerstein

Dana Milbank’s Flawed “Roe Week” Hit Piece
Lindsay Beyerstein

Bloggingheads: Pollitt and Greenwald on Ron Paul
Lindsay Beyerstein

WAM Prom II: Photos
Lindsay Beyerstein
Asking For It: Raises, Promotions, and Gender
Lindsay Beyerstein

NYC Event Tonight: WAM Prom II Electric Boogaloo
Lindsay Beyerstein
NYT Public Editor Wonders If It’s Fair To Point Out Politicians’ Lies
Lindsay Beyerstein

Iconoclast Lee Siegel Breaks Taboo, Says Marilyn Monroe was Sexy
Lindsay Beyerstein

Greenwald vs. Pollitt on Ron Paul
Lindsay Beyerstein

Upward Mobility Stalling in the U.S.
Lindsay Beyerstein

Dog Bites Woman in Iowa! Bachmann Edition.
Lindsay Beyerstein
Behind the Scenes Video: Nude With Projected Silhouettes (NSFW)
Lindsay Beyerstein
Recommended Reading
Lindsay Beyerstein

Former Football Pros Sue NFL En Masse Over Concussions
Lindsay Beyerstein

Good Thing There’s No Life After Death…
Lindsay Beyerstein
Home Birth Injury and Death Rates Matter to Policy
Lindsay Beyerstein

Surprise, Surprise: HPV Vaccine Does Not Cause Sluttiness
Lindsay Beyerstein

Four Antidotes to Hitchens Hagiography
Lindsay Beyerstein

The Ethics of Prescribing Placebos
Lindsay Beyerstein

Democrats Favored to Win Golden Flip Flop Award on Taxing The Rich
Lindsay Beyerstein

Nature, Nurture, Gender, and Identical Twins
Lindsay Beyerstein

Review: ‘Inside Scientology’ by Janet Reitman
Lindsay Beyerstein
Abortion Without Tears: Marie Annelle’s Story Concludes
Lindsay Beyerstein

Obama Overrules FDA on Plan B
Lindsay Beyerstein

Better and Worse Pretexts for Drag Comedies
Lindsay Beyerstein
Abortion Without Tears: Marie Annelle’s Story
Lindsay Beyerstein

Beat the Winter Doldrums With Some New Food Blogs
Lindsay Beyerstein

Review: ‘My Week With Marilyn’
Lindsay Beyerstein

The ‘One Man, One Woman’ Thing…
Lindsay Beyerstein

Friend or Foe: Abuse Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Lindsay Beyerstein

“Seventh Grader” is Not a Slur: The Naked Anthropologist vs. Nick Kristof
Lindsay Beyerstein
Obama May Capitulate on Birth Control Coverage This Weekend
Lindsay Beyerstein
Fox News Anchor: Pepper Spray is “Essentially a Food Product”
Lindsay Beyerstein
Jay Smooth’s TEDx Talk on Talking About Race
Lindsay Beyerstein
Abstinence-Only Education Creates Jobs
Lindsay Beyerstein