Dr. Maha Hilal’s research and expertise is on Institutionalized Islamophobia in the War on Terror. She’s the co-director of the Justice for Muslims Collective, an organizer with Witness Against Torture, and a council member of School of the Americas Watch. Previously, she was the inaugural Michael Ratner fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.

As Long as Guantanamo Exists, Trump Has a Torture Chamber Ready To Use
The administration has discussed warehousing refugee children at the notorious prison.
Maha Hilal

If We Want to Support Refugees, We Need To End the Wars That Create Them
The sanctuary movement needs an anti-war voice.
Azadeh Shahshahani and Maha Hilal

Why Trump’s Muslim Ban 3.0 Is So Dangerous
The new ban shows us what institutionalized Islamophobia looks like during the Trump era of the War on Terror.
Maha Hilal

Trump Plans to Make It Easier to Kill Civilians with Drones. We Can Thank Obama for Paving the Way.
As the war on terror enters its 17th year, it's clear that abuses of power by one administration lead to abuses by the next.
Maha Hilal

Child Soldier in the War on Terror: The Limits of Justice for One Guantanamo Bay Survivor
The abuse of Omar Khadr shows that Islamophobia drives the War on Terror.
Maha Hilal

The Supreme Court’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Ruling Forces Me to Live in Fear
If the war on terror has taught us one thing, it's that harsh laws targeting non-citizens will eventually be extended to citizens, too.
Maha Hilal