Peter Certo is the editorial manager of the Institute for Policy Studies. He edits its Foreign Policy In Focus and OtherWords services and coaches writing in the New Economy Maryland Fellowship program. He’s a former associate editor of Right Web, a project that monitors efforts to influence U.S. foreign policy, and helped coordinate the first annual Global Day of Action on Military Spending.
ViewpointElection 2024
The Disturbing Reason Trump and Vance Peddle Lies About Immigrants
The influx of Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio is a success story, not a scandal. But when powerful people don’t want to share prosperity, they lie.
Peter Certo
Biden’s Unflinching Support for Israel’s War on Gaza Is Derailing His Reelection Chances
As the horrifying human toll in Gaza escalates, voters are calling on the president to call for a ceasefire. He ignores them at his own peril.
Peter Certo
Leaving Afghanistan Is the Right Thing To Do. We Never Should Have Been There.
Now our obligation is to those Afghans living with the consequences of our four decades of intervention.
Peter Certo
We May Be One Election From Permanent Minority Rule
Donald Trump has been defeated, but American democracy remains in peril. Here’s how we can reverse the trendline.
Peter Certo
Donald Trump May Spend Memorial Day Pardoning War Criminals
Glorifying serial killer-type behavior most service members would find appalling is a strange way to honor them.
Peter Certo
Does the Super Bowl Feel Too Political? Thank American Militarism.
The staging of professional sports events is deeply political. It’s only when someone breaks character that we notice it.
Peter Certo
Never Mind the Wall—They’re Building Warehouses for Immigrant Children
The newest plank of immigration enforcement? Piling children into overcrowded detention centers.
Peter Certo
Actually, Trump Loves Chinese Goods—So Long as they Make Him Richer
Peter Certo