Seth Kershner is a writer and researcher whose work has appeared in outlets such as Rethinking Schools, Sojourners, and Boulder Weekly. He is the co-author (with Scott Harding) of Counter-Recruitment and the Campaign to Demilitarize Public Schools (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).

How Police Unions Pushed Trump to Greenlight More Military Gear for Cops
Seth Kershner

Trump and the GOP Want to Make It Even Easier for Police to Get Military Gear
Should police get rifles, riot gear and armored vehicles from the Pentagon? The nation's largest police union thinks so—and it has the ear of the Trump administration.
Seth Kershner

Breaking the Chains: Can Labor Unions Organize Retail Workers?
Seth Kershner

Police Are Still Getting Surplus Army Gear—and They’re Using it to Crack Down on Standing Rock
The armored vehicles used during mass arrests of water protectors last week likely came from a controversial Defense Department program.
Seth Kershner

If You Thought Obama Was Giving Less Military Gear to Local Police Departments, You Were Wrong
Despite the President's executive order, police are receiving as much hardware from the Pentagon as ever.
Seth Kershner

How Can We Make Restaurant Jobs Into Good Jobs?
Seth Kershner

America’s Tween Soldiers
Middle schoolers: Uncle Sam wants you
Seth Kershner