Thomas Geoghegan is a Chicago-based labor lawyer. He is the author of several books, including Which Side Are You On?, The Secret Lives of Citizens, The Law in Shambles, Only One Thing Can Save Us, and Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?

Yes, Trump’s Impeachment Is a Partisan Pursuit—Just As It Should Be
What Trump's defenders miss: impeachment only works when it's partisan.
Thomas Geoghegan

Tom Geoghegan: 4 Things We the People Can Do About Our Unjust Voting System and a President Trump
A case for a house divided.
Thomas Geoghegan

3 Reasons to Vote for Hillary Clinton That Have Nothing To Do with Hillary Clinton
We can't ignore the ways that having a Democrat in the White House matters.
Thomas Geoghegan

What We Can Learn: An Excerpt from Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?
How Europe builds better products for better lives.
Thomas Geoghegan

We Are All Waiters Now
Why higher taxes would make Americans happier, and why, despite this, we still won't raise them
Thomas Geoghegan