
How To Bury the Fossil Fuel Industry
We need to halt subsidies, enforce stricter regulations and bring fossil fuel corporations under public control.
Kate Aronoff

Making the Green New Deal Work for Workers
A true just transition means robust training, guaranteed jobs and pensions for fossil fuel industry workers.
Jeremy Brecher

The Green New Deal Must Have a Zero Waste Policy
Disrupting the extractivist logic of capitalism is crucial to addressing climate change.
Kali Akuno

How To Build the Zero-Carbon Economy
The Green New Deal sets an ambitious goal. Here’s how to get there.
Winona LaDuke

How Trade Agreements Stand in the Way of an International Green New Deal
To reduce emissions abroad, the U.S. must renegotiate its trade agreements.
Basav Sen

We Produce Too Much Food. The Green New Deal Can Stop This.
Overproduction spurs environmental degradation while the poor get left behind.
Eric Holt-Giménez

Thirty Years Ago, In These Times Predicted Our Climate Future
A 1989 article sketched out a worst-case vision of the future. Things got even worse than we thought.
In These Times Editors