The Green New Deal Just Won a Major Union Endorsement. What's Stopping the AFL-CIO?
Union support for the Green New Deal is growing. It's time for America's largest labor federation to get on board.
Mindy Isser
Animals and Plants Are Relocating Because of Climate Change. Should They Be Considered Invasive?
Jenny Morber
Report: More Environmentalists Were Murdered Last Year Than Ever Before
Ashoka Mukpo
The Democratic Platform Fight Shows It’s Still Obama’s Party
Bernie Sanders supporters have pushed for progressive priorities in the platform, but the Barack Obama wing of the Democratic establishment is still in the driver’s seat.
Branko Marcetic
Bringing Back the Buffalo Was Always Important to the Rosebud Sioux. The Pandemic Made It Urgent
Stephanie Woodard
The Language of Extinction
When wildfires destroy habitats, more than species are lost.
Holly Haworth
Look at How Much Sense It Makes to Do the Green New Deal Right Now
We can get out of this depression and save the planet all at once.
Sarah Lazare