Jesse A. Myerson is a New York – based activist and writer.

I Think Hillary Clinton’s Politics Are Terrible. I’m Voting For Her So We Can Grow The Left.
Vote for the opponent you want.
Jesse Myerson

Occupy Didn’t Just “Change the Conversation.” It Laid a Foundation for a New Era of Radical Protest
Five years later, it’s worth looking more closely at what Occupy built.
Jesse Myerson

After His New York Loss, Bernie Sanders Should Focus on Democratizing the Democratic Party
A convention fight this summer in Philadelphia offers Sanders the opportunity to make significant reforms to the Democratic Party.
Jesse Myerson

Repulsed by Pharma-Bro Martin Shkreli? Maybe You Also Hate Capitalism.
Far from being some kind of moral outlier, the pharma-bro embodies all of our economic system's defining characteristics.
Jesse Myerson

Despite Bernie Sanders’ Prodding Last Night, Hillary Clinton Stuck to Her Neoliberal Talking Points
Hillary Clinton's performance in last night's debate shows her to be every inch the neoliberal "true believer" she's a built a reputation as being.
Jesse Myerson