Stephen R. Weissman, former staff director of the House Subcommittee on Africa, is the author of two books on U.S. foreign policy, including A Culture of Deference: Congress’s Failure of Leadership in Foreign Policy. His recent articles on U.S. policies towards Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Congo and South Africa have appeared in Foreign Affairs, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Intelligence and National Security, Politico, Roll Call, The Hill and in Foreign Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Security, Diplomacy and Trade, eds. Adekeye Adebajo and Kudrat Virk.

Bombs Aren’t the Answer: A Case for Vigorous Diplomacy in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen
The latest escalation in Syria underlines the need for political, not military, solutions.
Stephen R. Weissman

None of the Democratic Candidates Have Gotten Syria Right: Why They Should Be Talking Peace, Not War
Obama has finally taken a tentative path toward a viable solution--but may waffle without support
Stephen R. Weissman

Lessons from Tonkin and Libya: We Need a President Who Won’t Trick Us Into War
Deception about Libya--and possibly Syria as well--descends from Vietnam-era policies. Both major parties are guilty. Where do the 2016 candidates stand?
Stephen R. Weissman

We Don’t Have to Bomb Syria
Believe it or not, there are other options for dealing with the current crisis.
Stephen R. Weissman

5 Wise Ideas for Syria
Don't listen to the hawks: A non-military solution is possible.
Stephen R. Weissman

In Syria, Unlearned Lessons from Libya
Why does the U.S. believe that only violent overthrow will work?
Stephen R. Weissman
Our Follower in Chief?
Why President Obama’s strange detachment from Afghanistan policymaking is a big problem.
Stephen R. Weissman

The Presidents’ War(s)
Once again, Congress abdicates to the president on an unwinnable war.
Stephen R. Weissman