
In Defense of the Public
We must not let the commons be privatized.
Eve L. Ewing
The End of Indie?
The difference between "mainstream" and "indie" music has almost disappeared.
Rachel Lears
The Politics of a New Metropolis
Fritz Lang's newly expanded dystopian classic looks better than ever. Its vision of humanity? Not so much.
Michael Atkinson
Eight Myths of Justice
Innocent Americans are routinely convicted and incarcerated. The new book False Justice explains how.
Steve Weinberg
Reading Gandhi in Budrus
A new documentary illuminates the power of nonviolent protest in a Palestinian village opposing the West Bank barrier.
Michael Atkinson
The Surreal World
Class anxiety, hyperconsumption and mocking the poor, for your viewing pleasure.
Jennifer Pozner
Hull-House Museum: Open to the Counter-Public
The revolution lives at Jane Addams' historic old house in Chicago.
Andrew Oxford
Let’s Rethink Masculinity
Real men should be more than breadwinners.
Joan C. Williams
Blood Stains Zimbabwe Diamonds
After a promising discovery, endemic corruption causes hope to fade.
Sam Gregory
The Fog of Jihad
The Oath, now out on DVD, brilliantly explores the muddy battle lines between the U.S. and al Qaeda.
Michael Atkinson
Stuff White People Do
How do justice-focused whites fit into the struggle against racism in America?
Micah Uetricht
Movin’ on Up
The Warmth of Other Suns gives the Great Migration the attention it deserves.
Eve Ottenberg
‘The Manchurian President’: Chicago’s Commie Liberal Puppet
The paranoid style of American politics is alive and well.
Chip Berlet
Once Upon a Time, in America…
The right has one fundamental advantage over its opponents: storytelling.
Michael Atkinson
‘There is Power in a Union’
The past, present and future of America’s labor movement
Steve Weinberg
Jailed Hikers: the Untold Story
The three Americans Iran has charged with espionage are not who you think they are.
Kari Lydersen
A Bronx School Tale
A new book shows how grassroots community organizing and persistence turned around one of the country's most corrupt school districts.
Louis Nayman
King of the Crazy Suit
Meet Jonathan Lee Riches, the most litigious man in history.
Beau Hodai
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