
Slam of the Free, Poem of the Brave
Activism through spoken word, at the Brave New Voices Poetry Slam.
Lindsay Eanet

The Poop on Population
Disposable diapers harm the environment, so here’s a modest proposal.
Lisa Manterfield

Outtakes of Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa begs for cinematic calls to action; this year's Human Rights Watch film festival delivered.
Brandon Harris

Why David Sometimes Wins
Barack Obama is indebted to Cesar Chavez's trailblazing community organizing strategies.
Ethan Porter

Queer Prehistory
The gay-rights movement did not begin with the Stonewall riots in 1969.
Doug Ireland

The Israel Lobbies: Left, Right and Center
A new book helpfully details Jewish-American lobbying organizations spanning the political spectrum.
Ralph Seliger

Cinema in the Sand
Refugees and celebrities draw attention to a forgotten conflict.
Stefan Simanowitz

Their Island, Our Shame
Indigenous Indian Ocean islanders were brutally displaced nearly 40 years ago to make way for a U.S. military base.
Eve Ottenberg

The Real History of a Radical
Putting I.F. Stone in perspective.
Doug Ireland

Algren Revisited, One Last Time
A new posthumous collection proves that Nelson Algren's talent outlasted his desire to use it.
Edward McClelland

At the End of the Day, It’s the End of the World
Understanding the cliché of the new millennium.
Emily Bauman

Coal Mountain Elementary
Big Coal has worked its way into the classroom.
Kari Lydersen

Home Again?
A Forgotten Injustice chronicles the mass deportation of Mexican immigrants in the 1930s.
Lou Mattei

Drama Queens
A new anthology fills a void by collecting political plays written by American women.
Jean Forst

Rethinking the Future
Fossil fuels can't last forever. A new book plans for a world without them.
Mike Lynn

Happy Serf Liberation Day
Free Tibet? Not so fast.
Stephen T. Asma

Playing the Gringo Wild Card
Chesa Boudin’s Latin American diaries.
Brittany Shoot

Old War on New Deal
The new book Invisible Hands reveals how quickly conservatives organized to challenge New Deal liberalism.
Alexander Gourse