
A Win in the Water War
Stockton, Calif., residents have stopped one multinational company from taking over their water system, but other localities remain threatened
Megan Tady

Illegal Immigrants: Uncle Sam Wants You
Latino teenagers, including illegal immigrants are being recruited into the military with false promises.
Deborah Davis

The Unions’ Man?
John Edwards does more than talk the talk on workers' but will he walk away with labor's endorsement?
David Moberg

What’s Up Silverdocs?
The documentary film festival in Maryland presents broad themes including sustainable development, social activism and the democratic process
Rachel Lears

The Great Spectrum Giveaway
This October might be the last chance for local community radio stations to receive high-power licenses from the FCC.
Megan Tady

Tranche Warfare
Who will be left holding the bag as subprime mortgages go bad?
Dave Mulcahey

The Subprime Bait and Switch
Under the guise of extending home ownership to all, predatory lenders undermine community reinvestment
Alexander Gourse

The New Children’s Crusade
Vets like Vincent J. Emanuele and other Iraq Veterans Against the War inherit the reins from the Vietnam era peacenicks before them
Joel Bleifuss

Genetic Disorder
Parents with limited incomes are being denied access to genetic tests and the counseling that experts say should accompany them
Dana Goldstein

Kissing up to K Street
Democrats are selling out the economic populism that got them elected in the first place
David Sirota

Stories of Survival
NO! explores rape within the African-American community and fights society's instinct to focus on the racism outside while turning a deaf ear to gender violence within
Cynthia Greenlee-Donnell

He Shoots, She Scores
When Mike became Christine, she gave Los Angeles sports fans a courtside view of gender politics
John Ireland

The Olympic Hustle
Chicagoans are already beginning to fear what hosting the 2016 Summer Games might do to their city
Mischa Gaus

Two Degrees From Devastation
George Monbiot's book Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning argues that we must cut greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent
Phoebe Connelly

The Battle for the Air
The EPA will decide today whether to strengthen its smog standards
Megan Tady

What Vacation Days?
Despite being one of the richest nations, America denies its workers mandated paid vacations and sick days
David Moberg

In the Crosshairs
Iraqi artist Wafaa Bilal invited people to shoot him, and got all too many takers
Kari Lydersen

Democrats Shy Away From Emergency Contraception
Did the Democrats leave military servicewomen without EC for political reasons?
Beccah Golubock Watson

At What Price Victory?
In order to pass their budget, House Democrats have proposed increasing the funding of a harmful abstinence-only program
Lindsay Beyerstein

D.C. Fights For A Vote
The District of Columbia inches closer toward achieving its age-old goal of representation in the House
Ben Adler

When College Ends, So Does Activism
Why selling out is a depressingly rational choice for many graduates
Adam Doster

Whose Subsidy Is It Anyway?
Farmers take the heat, but Big Ag reaps the farm bill benefits
David Moberg

Not By Spin Alone
In the battle over reproductive rights, on-the-ground organizing is far more effective than massaging the message
Laura Flanders

Who’s Afraid of Democracy?
Believing that "people are rational as consumers and irrational as voters," many conservatives would favor free markets without democracy
Christopher Hayes