
Unions Demanding an End to Israel Military Aid Is a Welcome Escalation
While the Biden administration uses rhetorical tricks and delay tactics, labor unions are pressuring the White House to end the war by embracing an increasingly popular demand: “not one more bomb.”
Adam Johnson
Teamsters President Happily Walks Into Republican Trap
Teamsters President Sean O'Brien played into Republicans’ phony pro-worker rebrand that was on display at the Republican National Convention.
Alexandra Bradbury
What the Left Needs From the Post-Biden Democrats
From demanding an end to the war on Gaza to a stronger labor movement, now is the time for the U.S. Left to make its voice heard.
Hamilton Nolan
As Biden Bows out, Labor Begins to Coalesce Around Harris and Sets Sights on Defeating Trump
The path forward is clear,” said UAW President Shaw Fain, “we will defeat Donald Trump and his billionaire agenda and elect a champion for the working class to the highest office in this country.”
Luis Feliz Leon
A Scab Running for President Calls for Firing UAW President Shawn Fain
“Don’t get played by this scab billionaire,” Fain, president of the United Auto Workers, said in response to Donald Trump. “Stand up and fight for more.”
Luis Feliz Leon
Jane McAlevey addresses a crowd before a banner that reads in part "STAND TOGETHER."
Rules to Live By
Remembering labor’s fierce organizer, strategist and writer, Jane McAlevey.
Alex Press
Capital Has No Borders—Why Should We?
Precarious immigration status creates an exploitable labor force, allowing bosses to drive down wages for everyone. Inside the labor case for open borders.
Maurizio Guerrero
A row of coal miners sit with lanterns on their helmets. The front one, in focus, looks worried.
Republicans Just Handed Down a Death Sentence to the Nation's Coal Miners
As black lung continues to kill coal miners, House Republicans moved to block enforcement of a life-saving safety rule.
Kim Kelly
“Patients should not be treated like commodities”: Baltimore Nurses Are Fighting for a Transformative First Contract
Understaffing leaves nurses pulled in multiple directions and unable to offer optimal care. These nurses are fighting to change that.
Maximillian Alvarez
Flooding in Brazil Has Displaced More Than 600,000 People From Their Homes as States Slash Prevention Funding
“Underneath is this deep-seated trauma that will last for years and decades and sometimes lifetimes for people.”
Maximillian Alvarez
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