December 2006 Volume 30, Issue 12

Organizing the Outsiders
Indian lawyer Ela Bhatt helps give informal workers a voice
David Moberg
Cholera and the City
Aaron Sarver
White-Collar Workers Unite
Barbara Ehrenreich received a grant from SEIU (Service Employees International Union) to start United Professionals (UP), whose mission is to "protect and preserve the American middle class..."
Adam Doster
White Progressives Don’t Get It
Rinku Sen
CT Scans: A Radioactive Risk
Terry J. Allen argues that CT scans, while effective diagnostic tools, can be dangerous because of the high levels of radiation to which they expose patients.
Terry J. Allen
The Skinny on Thin
Thin, a movie filmed at the Renfrew Center, follows four women in their battle with eating disorders.
Jessica Clark
Danger: A Policy With No Brains
Susan J. Douglas
The Second Clinton Ascendancy
Laura S. Washington
Bioneers Bridge the Color Gap
Bioneers, or Biological Pioneers, are activists committed to green consciousness, racial reconciliation, organic, healthy sustainable foods and social justice coalitions.
Chelsea Ross
Is Congress Gates Keeper?
Robert Gates, Bush's choice for defense secretary, has faced accusations and senate committees before
Robert Parry
Turning Back the Tax Revolt
Voters reject "Taxpayer Bill of Rights" spending cap measures and tax cuts across the country, paving the way to funding progressive priorities.
Matt Singer
The CBC and Speaker Pelosi
Progressive members of the Congresssional Black Caucus poised to chair committees, meanwhile "Blue Dog" and "New" Democrats pulling the party to the center.
Salim Muwakkil
Embracing Populism
The Democratic victories on Nov. 7 were thanks to the populist agenda of challenging corporate economic power.
David Sirota
Live At Your Own Risk
Yale Political Scientist Jacob Hacker says the widening gap between rich and poor is a "great risk shift" from collective institutions to individuals.
David Moberg

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