May 2007 Volume 31, Issue 05

May 2007
The Guantánamo Hunger Strike
H. Candace Gorman
Why Women Hate Hillary
Susan J. Douglas
Poisoning Pets with Industrial Food
Terry J. Allen
Globalism with Combat Boots
Salim Muwakkil
Thank You Mr. Vonnegut
Joel Bleifuss
Rebelde for the Cause
Chelsea Ross
Defining Hate in the United States
John Ireland
Making Trade Work for Everyone
David Moberg
Duck and Cover
William D. Hartung and Frida Berrigan
A Crime to Fit the Punishment
Christopher Capozzola
GI Bill Fails Vets
Terry J. Allen
The Talented Mr. Griffin
Greg Palast
Circumcision Promotion Divides AIDS Activists
Dana Goldstein
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Wes Enzinna
Power to the Public Financing
Michael Burgner
Abuses Alleged During Immigration Raid
Kari Lydersen
In Praise of Pageantry
Jen Angel
Our Profit Margin Could Be Your Life
Anne Elizabeth Moore
Deconstructing Hezbollah
Allen McDuffee

In Praise of Pageantry
Art and activism together facilitate a larger discussion of politics and theory while reinspiring activists who are tired of the same old marches
Jen Angel

Circumcision Promotion Divides AIDS Activists
Should results of African AIDS study be applied in the United States?
Dana Goldstein

Gone, But Not Forgotten
Why Bolivians want the United States to extradite their exiled ex-president
Wes Enzinna
The Guantánamo Hunger Strike
Fasting prisoners force-fed twice a day as 30-inch plastic tubes are forced into their esophaguses
H. Candace Gorman

Our Profit Margin Could Be Your Life
Indie punk band HeWhoCorrupts maximizes profits by eliminating frills like melody or the standard chorus/verse/chorus structure
Anne Elizabeth Moore
Why Women Hate Hillary
She reinforces the Genghis Khan principle of American politics that our leaders must be ruthless and macho
Susan J. Douglas

Power to the Public Financing
Fair Elections Now Act would reward candidates who spend time with their constituents, and not golfing or dining with lobbyists
Michael Burgner
Poisoning Pets with Industrial Food
Lacking transparency, industry relies on alchemy of pet food to turn its waste into profits
Terry J. Allen
Deconstructing Hezbollah
Allen McDuffee

Abuses Alleged During Immigration Raid
Kari Lydersen
Globalism with Combat Boots
Salim Muwakkil

The Fraudulence of Voter Fraud
The Bush administration purged U.S. attorneys for failing to prosecute crimes that didn't occur
Joel Bleifuss
Thank You Mr. Vonnegut
Joel Bleifuss
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