November 2007 Volume 31, Issue 11

November 2007
E-Wasting Away in China
Terry J. Allen
Katrina Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Laura S. Washington
Suicide and Spin Doctors
H. Candace Gorman
Jena and the Post-Civil Rights Fallacy
Salim Muwakkil
Blackwater Nation
Brian Cook
The Times vs. Feminism
Susan J. Douglas
Banana Republic to Baby Republic
Jacob Wheeler
Pirates of Private Equity
Adam Doster
Harry Potter and the Muggle Activists
Andrew Slack
Has the Change Led to Wins?
David Moberg
Prison Breakdown
Sasha Abramsky, TRUTHOUT
The Left’s Identity Crisis
Ken Brociner
A Mother’s March For Justice
Christopher Weber
David Enders
Lobbying for Cancer
Michelle Chen
Transgendered Behind Bars
Lewis Wallace
Harassment Unchecked at Army Hotel
Kari Lydersen
FCC Rocks Chicago, Chicago Rocks Back
Jessica Pupovac
Youth Gone Wild
Brent White
Suffering Secondary Trauma
Silja J.A. Talvi
Survival of the Adapted
Achy Obejas
The Politics of Everyday
Phoebe Connelly
Youth Gone Wild
Jared Cohen's book Children of Jihad: A Young American's Travels among the Youth of the Middle East seeks to understand an area of the world where hatred for his country and religion run rampant
Brent White

Lobbying for Cancer
Corporations are co-opting the federal Data Quality Act to paralyze scientists with frivolous allegations of inaccuracy, driving a stealth assault on public-health research
Michelle Chen

Suffering Secondary Trauma
Finding Iris Chang: Friendship, Ambition and the Loss of an Extraordinary Mind explores the complexity of Chang's psychology as it formed around the demands of her profession and her personal struggles stemming from her writing about The Rape of Nanking
Silja J.A. Talvi

Transgendered Behind Bars
A recent study by the San Francisco-based Transgender, Gender Variant and Intersex Justice Project on rape in California prisons found that 59 percent of transgender people reported being sexually assaulted in prison in 2006, compared to 4 percent of the general prison population
Lewis Wallace
E-Wasting Away in China
While the media ride their new lead-painted hobbyhorse--the danger of Chinese wares--spare a thought for Chinese workers dying to dispose of millions of tons of our toxic crap
Terry J. Allen
Katrina Through Rose-Colored Glasses
Race does matter in the caustic caldron of the post-Katrina era--the world still perceives us as "refugees"--permanently scarred victims to be forever adrift in tragedy
Laura S. Washington
Suicide and Spin Doctors
There are many ways for the oppressor to force himself into the mind of the oppressed, but one surefire way is through indefinite detention. Never knowing when--or if--you will be released is a cruel form of psychological torture and allows you to keep hope while simultaneously filling you with fear
H. Candace Gorman

Survival of the Adapted
The History of My Shoes and the Evolution of Darwin's Theory takes the theory of evolution--"survival of the fittest," a phrase that appeared only in a later printing of Charles Darwin's classic text--and, in alternating chapters, juxtaposes the relationship between Darwin and fellow biologist Alfred Russel Wallace with Fries' curiosity about his own adaptations to a world unprepared for his body and his means of motion
Achy Obejas
Jena and the Post-Civil Rights Fallacy
Around the country, black males face a criminal justice system that incarcerates them more than eight times the rate of whites
Salim Muwakkil

Harassment Unchecked at Army Hotel
Sexual abuse and rape in military culture--and a lack of action by military authorities--are long-standing problems, brought to light with the Tailhook scandal in 1991
Kari Lydersen
Blackwater Nation
Contracting soldiers of fortune is only one example of our recent philosophy of government
Brian Cook

FCC Rocks Chicago, Chicago Rocks Back
At the recent FCC hearing in the Windy City, citizens came out in droves to voice their displeasure over the media landscape
Jessica Pupovac
The Times vs. Feminism
The Book Review's recent nasty review of Katha Pollitt's memoir is only the latest in a long line of outlandish attacks on feminists
Susan J. Douglas
The Politics of Everyday
The political changes for which we've striven have made a material difference in the way women conceive of their lives, writes Katha Pollitt in Learning to Drive and Other Life Stories
Phoebe Connelly