December 2007 Volume 31, Issue 12

Third Time’s the Charm?
The military didn't even bother to retain most of the documents from the Combatant Status Review Tribunals conducted in 2004, so the government has no documents showing any reason for holding these men
H. Candace Gorman
U.S. Lobbyists Assault E.U. Regs
Why is the United States, which practically invented consumer protection, now lagging behind the E.U., and in some cases, trailing Japan, China and Mexico?
Terry J. Allen
Public Libraries For Profit
The trend of farming out public libraries to a private, profit-oriented business has raised concerns because libraries have long been considered democratic bodies built on the cornerstone of information diversity, transparency and intellectual freedom
Akito Yoshikane
Harold Washington Remembered
Washington's candidacy forged political unity among Chicago's notoriously fractious black community and helped bring the city's feuding Latino groups (including Mexicans and Puerto Ricans) together
Salim Muwakkil
Air Polluters Sail the High Seas
The environmental law firm EarthJustice, Friends of the Earth and other advocacy groups are taking action to compel the EPA to set comprehensive restrictions on the air pollution that clouds U.S. harbors
Michelle Chen
R.I.P. LiP
Amidst the demise of Clamor, Punk Planet, Satya and LiP, Tipping the Sacred Cow: The Best of LiP reads like a super-special edition--complete with illustrations, a "theft ethics" quiz, a glossary of culture-jamming lingo and other useful appendices
Erin Polgreen
Tax and Spend? Hell, Yeah!
Why does anyone need $50 million a year? What do you do with it--buy five houses in Aspen like Enron's Ken Lay did?
Susan J. Douglas
Saving a Public Park
Benton Harbor citizens fight to stop Whirlpool's luxury golf course
Paul Street
Come on People! Bill Cosby is Right
Cosby's critics excoriated him for delivering his rant from an elitist ivory tower without offering solutions, arguing that the black poor are the helpless victims of white supremacy and institutional racism
Laura S. Washington
Treaty of Detroit Repealed
The new contracts demonstrate that companies without unions, global labor markets and corporate power are dictating the future for American autoworkers--even for those who are in a union
David Moberg
Prairie Style Romance
Though Nancy Horan takes great liberty in imagining intimate scenes between Frank Lloyd Wright and Mamah Borthwick Cheney--of which there is no evidence--Loving Frank ultimately rests on historical record
Achy Obejas
El Salvadors Patriot Act
Last year the government adopted a "Special Law Against Acts of Terrorism," which gives police and judges leeway to clear the streets of demonstrators and imposes mandatory sentences of 60 years for what was once considered a freedom of expression
Jacob Wheeler

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