October 2007 Volume 31, Issue 10

Inside the Secret Facility
In an Orwellian twist, the U.S. government monitors all correspondence between a Guantánamo attorney and her client
H. Candace Gorman
Funding Indonesia’s Abusive Military
Despite numerous human rights abuses, the United States continues to pump money into the Indonesian military under the guise of the war on terror
Ben Terrall
Can Brazil’s Quilombos Survive?
Quilombo Country documentary reveals the modern-day challenges faced by Brazil's runaway slave communities
Anne Kogan
Let’s Pry Open Those Cold, Dead Hands
To defeat the gun lobby, gun-control activists need to get out of late-night local cable and embrace the Internet
Laura S. Washington
Ehud Barak’s Second Coming
In Israel's current political atmosphere, the onetime dove returns dressed in a hawk's feathers
Ralph Seliger
Burned by Flame Retardants
The EPA does almost nothing to regulate the PBDEs we Americans eat, absorb and breath every day
Terry J. Allen
AFRICOM: Round One in a New Cold War?
Two dozen military bases in Africa will help the United States compete for influence with China in the otherwise forgotten continent
Christopher Moraff
Chain Stores, Picket Fences and Tanks
American-style sprawl is adversely affecting the outposts of our global empire
Adam Doster
Twilight of the Market’s Idols
Not Larry Craig, but George Bush and his careless economic policies, have left the Republican party cornered in a bathroom stall
Susan J. Douglas
Earth to Bush
While the prez pats himself on the back, 5 million more Americans have slipped into poverty, hunger and homelessness
Bernie Sanders
The Crime Against Debbie Almontaser
Even Bloomberg now admits that the victim of the New York "Intifada" t-shirt hysteria is no terrorist
Robert Hirschfield
No Happy Endings
Escape from North Korea, the world's most repressive regime
Achy Obejas
Smearing Israel’s Critics
Former DePaul professor Finkelstein joins a growing list of academics censored for criticizing the Holy Land's foreign policy
Salim Muwakkil
Why Iraq is Getting Worse
A new civil war between Shiites erupts within the old civil war between Sunnis and Shiites
David Enders

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