January 2008 Volume 32, Issue 01

As Hunger Rises, Chew on This
Terry J. Allen
The Revolution Will Not Be Designed
As we look beyond housing solutions to urban poverty, good design is enjoying a second coming as the cure for what ails us
Alix Rule
RoboCop in Iraq
In the next five years, according to DefenseLink, the Pentagon plans to spend $2 billion on robots, breaking the monopoly of human soldiers in an army
Allen McDuffee
Catch-22 in the 21st Century
Government censors are making like Joseph Heller's character Yossarian and blacking out random information in letters from Guantánamo that has nothing to do with "national security"
H. Candace Gorman
Dropping Out of Electoral College
Maryland is the first state to pass the National Popular Vote (NPV) into law, and several others are right behind
Martha Biondi
McGovern Still on the Antiwar Path
The retired senator and former ambassador to the United Nations is stumping for a book he co-wrote with foreign policy analyst William R. Polk called Out of Iraq: A Practical Plan for Withdrawal Now while buttonholing dozens of members of Congress and urging our immediate withdrawal from Iraq
Laura S. Washington
Bike-Sharing Is Caring
Bike-sharing programs that provide cheap access to inner-city bicycles are popular all over Europe, and Beijing, and even American cities are catching on
Adam Doster
Acid-Mining Michigan
Rio Tinto subsidiary Kennecott plans to develop a nickel sulfide mine beneath the fragile Salmon Trout River in the state's Upper Peninsula
Chuck Glossenger
Bad Cop, Badder Cop in Brazil
Does the new shoot-'em-up film Tropa de Elite bring out the country's inner fascist?
Holmes Wilson
Warning: Drug Ads Can Make You Sick
A $4.2 billion annual drug industry incessantly reinforces the medicalization of complaints through direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising
Terry J. Allen
Rocking Lolita in Tehran
Iran's underground music scene has more followers than ever, largely because Iranian musicians are performing on a new stage: the Internet
Colin Meyn
Beware the Credit-Industrial Complex
Barely regulated banks are getting away with one usurious practice after the next: not only the subprime fiasco, but the extortionate service fees on your bank accounts and the escalating interest fees, late fees and truncated payment cycles on your credit cards
Susan J. Douglas
No New Year Resolutions?
SEC proposes curbing shareholder power
Kari Lydersen
The End of Impunity?
The Senate Judiciary Committee is trying to revive efforts to hold the Bush administration accountable
Brian Beutler, The Media Consortium
Come on Cosby, Stop Hatin’
Cosby makes blanket indictments of an entire class of black people and offers only exhortations from the sidelines
Salim Muwakkil
The Boy Who Cried WMD
It's time for George W. Bush to holster his guns and ride off into that Wild West sunset only he can see
Sanhita SinhaRoy
King of the Crop
Two years ago the federal government spent $9.4 billion to promote corn production, driving small farmers off their lands in Mexico, because they were unable to compete with U.S. imports
Ben Terrall

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