
The Infrastructure and Budget Bills Are a Watershed in U.S. Economic Doctrine
Deficit demagogy has (finally) become a fringe position in American politics—just look at the massive bills moving through Congress.
Max B. Sawicky
Nina Turner’s Loss Holds Lessons for Future Left Candidates
A flood of dark money and establishment opposition helped sink Turner’s campaign—but progressive challengers can still win if they learn from the defeat while running on a redistributive platform.
Natalie Shure
Democrats Will Never Stop Triangulating Against Justice
Running against "defund the police" is both cowardly and wrong. Democratic leaders find that irresistible.
Hamilton Nolan
Congress and Biden Allowed the Eviction Ban to Expire, So Cori Bush and AOC Are Raising Hell
Members of the Squad are participating in a sit-in outside of the Capitol demanding that the House reconvene in order to restore the moratorium to protect millions of Americans from being evicted.
Jake Johnson
An Old Idea for a Guaranteed Income Is Back in Style
A new proposal for a negative income tax could eliminate poverty in the United States.
Max B. Sawicky
Is Gerrymandering Forever?
Gerrymandering guarantees undemocratic elections. Activists in Wisconsin are organizing to win an uphill battle for a fairer process.
Katjusa Cisar
The For the People Act Isn’t Dead
Don’t believe the pundits—there’s a growing grassroots movement to save American democracy and pass sweeping voting rights reform.
Mahnoor Imran and Adam Eichen
How the Potency of Social Wages Can Beat Back Neoliberalism
At the core of President Biden’s American Families Plan is an understanding that workers are paid too little in market wages and that government has a responsibility to change that.
Jack Metzgar
We Have a Jobs Crisis and an Environmental Crisis. The Answer to Both Is a Civilian Climate Corps.
From Bernie Sanders and AOC to the Sunrise Movement, progressives are working to establish an updated version of a New Deal program to meet the challenges of economic and climate upheaval. Its time has come.
Jeremy Mohler
Landlords Are Going to Take Away All Your Wage Gains
This is what happens when you treat housing as just another market.
Hamilton Nolan
Joe Biden Says He Stands With Unions. This Is His Moment to Prove It.
The longest national nurses strike in over a decade could also be a "watershed moment" for Medicare for All.
Mark Dudzic and Rand Wilson
The Only Way to Stop the GOP’s Democracy Doom Loop
Republicans are on a warpath against voting rights. Democrats alone won’t block them—we need mass grassroots resistance.
Eli Day
Democrats Are Wasting Precious Time with a Measly "Bipartisan" Infrastructure Deal
The bipartisan plan is a drop in the bucket. Democrats need to forget Republicans and pass a bold package that makes massive public investments.
Max B. Sawicky
How To Murder a Good Idea With Conventional Wisdom
"Defund the police" is a completely rational policy prescription. Political pundits don't care.
Hamilton Nolan
India Walton, Buffalo's Black Socialist Mayor to Be, Is About to Make History
Walton, a longtime community organizer, won a stunning primary victory over the Democratic incumbent in Buffalo, New York where she’s poised to usher in a new era of municipal socialism.
Nick Vachon
One Way to Boost Workers and the Labor Movement? Give Unions Power Over Unemployment Insurance.
A reform from Belgium in the early 1900s would both increase unemployment insurance benefits and decrease the cost of labor organizing. It’s time for the U.S. to embrace it.
Francisco Diez
Don't Just Send People Money During a Pandemic—Do It All the Time
The evidence is in: Sending out direct cash payments has been a full-blown success—and we can’t afford to stop.
Jim Pugh
Joe Biden’s Progressive Economic Turn Was Shaped By Social Movements
Years of grassroots organizing helped create the conditions for Biden to embrace bold policies on government spending.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
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