
A Presidential Inauguration Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun
Presidents change, but the soldiers stay the same.
Hamilton Nolan
We Don't Need to Do This To Ourselves
Turning the nation's capital into an armed camp for Biden's inauguration to prove we don't live in fear.
Hamilton Nolan
Armies of the Right
We all know who the real thieves of the election are.
Joel Bleifuss
Let's Not Become a Bunch of Panicky Reactionaries
The lesson of the Capitol riots is to change the power structure, not to embrace it
Hamilton Nolan
$2,000 Checks Now—And Make Them Monthly
The Democrats’ victory in Georgia was a vote for cash assistance. Prioritizing direct monthly payments isn’t just good policy—it’s good politics.
Sean Kline and Jim Pugh
We Should Cause Trouble, Not Make Nice With Biden
History suggests that it’s not making friends, but making the administration’s life difficult, that gets results for the Left.
Branko Marcetic
Congress Now Has More Socialists Than Ever Before in U.S. History
The high-water mark for socialists elected to national office is in step with a proud tradition in American politics.
Maurice Isserman
With Democrats in Full Control, It's Time to Pass the PRO Act
A conversation with leaders of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades.
Maximillian Alvarez
How to Avoid Another Monster Like Trump
It's not enough to denounce the storming of the Capitol. Where Trump brought death and American carnage, Democrats now need to deliver real economic relief.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
The Lesson from Georgia? Democrats Need to Forget the Bosses and Deliver for Working People.
The surprise success of Warnock and Ossoff shows the path to victory lies in offering direct material benefits to the working class.
Natalie Shure
The “Disloyal Opposition” Storms the Capitol
The Republican Party has abandoned the role of "loyal opposition" to wage war against democracy.
Michael McKeon
Protesters at Biden Philly HQ Demand Student Debt Relief on Day One
"Biden owes this city," say Philadelphia activists
Mindy Isser
The Union Members Who Voted for Trump Have to Be Organized—Not Ignored
Unions should be holding more political discussions with their members—and listening closely to their needs.
Mindy Isser
$600 Isn't Nearly Enough—We Need Real Relief
The bipartisan stimulus bill fails to meet the needs of working people. Congress must pass a package that makes us whole.
Maurice BP-Weeks and Lauren Jacobs
Left Grassroots Groups Helped Biden Win Georgia. Now They’re Organizing to Flip the Senate.
With hopes for a progressive agenda on the line, working class-led organizations are going all out to defeat the GOP in Georgia.
Nuala Bishari
Biden Needs to Spend Big—And Fast. Here Are 4 Immediate Priorities.
Forget about the debt. Boosting the economy and sending people money isn't just good policy, it's smart politics.
Max B. Sawicky
Socialism Informs the Best of Our Politics
The case for democratic socialism in the 21st century.
Michael Harrington
The Best Moment of 2020: The Burning of the Third Precinct
Everything else was bad
Hamilton Nolan
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