
Forcing People to Work So They Can Get a Child Tax Credit Is a Terrible Idea
Work requirements don’t actually increase employment or reduce poverty. But Republicans and conservative Democrats are pushing them anyway.
Jim Pugh
Why Socialists Shouldn’t Ignore the January 6 Hearings
Trump and his allies attempted to overturn democracy—and they’re likely to do it again. The Left should lead the charge to stop that effort.
David Duhalde
Radical Is Now Rational
When reality changes, only fools don't change with it.
Hamilton Nolan
Don’t Trust the Federal Reserve on Inflation
The Fed’s plan to curb inflation rests on punishing working people—when they’re the ones in need of relief.
Max B. Sawicky
Women Are Taking Over the U.S. Labor Movement
The pandemic has created an opportunity for new movements in industries that haven’t organized before—movements also led by women.
Chabeli Carrazana, The 19th
The Elite Vote Against Their Interests, Too
The rich control our party-system and our morals.
Hamilton Nolan
"We Just Broke a Thick-Ass Glass Ceiling": Progressive Candidates Rack Up Some Big Wins
In Tuesday’s Democratic primaries, left-wing challengers in Illinois made history, while in New York, progressive incumbents held onto their seats.
Nick Vachon
New York Progressives and Socialists Are Hoping to Turn Legislative Setbacks Into Electoral Electricity
After key bills on climate and housing stalled in the legislature, left-wing organizers are working to topple Democratic incumbents and build a united front in Albany.
Karma Samtani
“It’s Time for Generational Change”: Why Progressive Challenger Kina Collins Is Taking on a 25-Year Incumbent
Collins is mounting a rematch for Congress against Rep. Danny K. Davis in the Chicago area—while confronting the Democratic Party establishment.
Skyler Aikerson
3 Anti-Inflation Alternatives to Raising Interest Rates
Tackling inflation requires reining in private markets—and embracing economic democracy.
Richard D. Wolff
Bill Clinton Did More to Sell Neoliberalism than Milton Friedman
A brief history of how the Democratic Party's turn to market capitalism wrecked everything.
Lily Geismer
Here's What the Criminal Justice Reform Movement Can Learn From Chesa Boudin’s Loss
Opponents of mass incarceration shouldn’t despair or write off the recall of San Francisco’s progressive DA. Instead, we should take lessons and build stronger infrastructure to propel future wins.
Janos Marton
What If America Had Six Political Parties?
Understanding the warring factions within the Democratic and Republican Party coalitions is critical for progressives who want to build power.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
In the Wake of Uvalde, a Teacher's Plea for Police-Free Schools
My students are safer in classrooms without cops. The latest mass school shooting only makes that clearer.
Nataliya Braginsky
If Banks Want to Be Seen as Climate-Friendly, They Need to Exit Fossil Fuels
The climate movement is stepping up pressure on banks to stop the flow of cash to the oil and gas industry.
Arielle Swernoff
Overturning Roe Will Be an Economic Catastrophe for Millions of Women
Abortion rights are economic rights.
Asha Banerjee
During the Pandemic, Poor Areas Have Had Twice the Death Rates of Rich Ones
A new report shows the U.S. response to the Covid pandemic has been defined by inequity—and poor and low-income communities are bearing the fatal cost.
Shailly Gupta Barnes and Jim Pugh
Overcoming an Onslaught of Dark Money Attacks, Progressive Summer Lee Wins a Historic Victory
The Pennsylvania representative faced down millions of dollars in negative ads from pro-Israel groups and took on the Democratic establishment by running on a bold left agenda.
Nick Vachon
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