
The High Priest of the Church of Trump
How Stephen Bannon is using evangelical narratives to spread the gospel of Trumpism.
Theo Anderson
The First Hippies
The new book Rebel Crossings showcases a small band of feminist utopians who came to America to try something new.
Jane Miller
Handbook for the Resistance: A User’s Guide to Taking On the Trump Agenda
Writers and organizers offer a handbook for fighting back.
In These Times Editors
CNN’s New Book Is a Master Class in How Not to Cover an Election
The news network's instant retrospective on the Trump-Clinton race is as vacuous as their initial coverage was.
Chris Lehmann
Keith Ellison and Bernie Sanders: How To Remake the Democratic Party
The two congressmen discuss Donald Trump, Ellison's bid for DNC chair and how progressives can actually win.
Keith Ellison and Bernie Sanders
“Hope Not Hate”: A Roadmap for Navigating the Racist Backlash Against Neoliberalism
Anti-fascist organizing in post-Brexit Britain offers lessons for Trump’s America.
Kate Aronoff
The Android Manifesto: Finding Marx in Westworld
The HBO drama is a surprisingly astute tale of alienated labor and false consciousness.
Eileen Jones
The GOP Made Kansas a Test Case for Faith-Based Economics. The Results Aren’t Pretty.
Many of the same policies that blew a hole in the state budget are headed to the White House.
Theo Anderson
Dissident-Poet on the Lam: A New Film Captures Pablo Neruda’s Year as a Fugitive
Pablo Larrain's Neruda follows the love-poet-cum-Communist-dissident in a cat-and-mouse chase with the Chilean government.
Michael Atkinson
Did Trump Retaliate Against Twitter Because It Refused to Help Him Build a Muslim Registry?
The official explanation for why CEO Jack Dorsey didn’t get an invite to Trump’s tech meeting leaves a lot to the imagination.
Kate Aronoff
The Democrats Need a Shadow Cabinet
If Hillary Clinton had learned anything from the election, here's what she would say.
Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
Maine Leads the Nation in Campaign Finance Reform
The head of Maine Citizens for Clean Elections talks about the corrupting influence of money in politics and what we can do about it.
Theo Anderson
Here’s What’s More Troubling About Rex Tillerson Than His Ties to Putin
As Secretary of State, Exxon's CEO could do enormous damage to the climate.
Kate Aronoff
The Fight For Free College Moves to the States
How student organizers and a state representative are campaigning to eliminate tuition in Illinois.
Jeff Schuhrke
Bill McKibben: Where the Climate Movement Can Still Make Progress, Even Under President Trump
Moving forward won't be easy, but we can help prevent the worst.
Bill McKibben
Tom Geoghegan: 4 Things We the People Can Do About Our Unjust Voting System and a President Trump
A case for a house divided.
Thomas Geoghegan
How Keith Ellison’s DNC Bid Exposed Democratic Party Division on Israel
His rise touched a nerve among pro-Israel Democrats worried that ironclad bipartisan support for Israel is slipping.
Alex Kane
No, Rahm Emanuel Should Definitely Not Become Head of the DNC
Neoliberal centrism is exactly the wrong direction for the Democrats.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
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