
From Gaza to Aleppo: A Handy Guide for Defending War Crimes
Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the bombing of civilian neighborhoods.
Stephen Zunes
Hillary Clinton Is in Her Own Form of Climate Denial
New data show the need for much more aggressive policies.
Kate Aronoff
Hillary Clinton’s Millennial Problem Is Because of Her Policies, Not Her Gender
If Clinton wants young people's votes, she needs to break with the status quo.
Kate Aronoff
Mike Pence Struggles to Defend Donald Trump’s Record
Without the toxic personality of his running mate by his side, Pence seemed naked.
Theo Anderson
The VP Debate: Tyranny of the Boring
Tonight’s vice-presidential debate reminds us of all the boring white men who run America.
Kate Aronoff
How To Vote When There’s No Lesser Evil
On foreign policy, both candidates are bad, but Clinton may be worse. We can't keep supporting militarism out of fear.
Leonard C. Goodman
The United States Isn’t an “Idiocracy.” It’s an Oligarchy.
In Mike Judge’s 2006 comedy Idiocracy, America kills itself with its own stupidity. But in 2016, our dystopic future looks more like Mad Max.
Kate Aronoff
This Is the Question That Will Decide the 2016 Election
Clinton talks about incremental change; Trump says the whole system is corrupt.
Theo Anderson
If Hillary Clinton Won the Debate, Social Movements Are To Thank
Popular uprisings have helped pushed Clinton’s priorities closer to those of ordinary Americans.
Kate Aronoff
A Progressive Drinking Game To Get You Through Tonight’s Presidential Debate
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will face off in front of an estimated 100 million viewers.
Kate Aronoff
Millennials Arrested at Paul Ryan’s Office, Demanding He Denounce Trump
“Hillary isn’t my candidate, but I will not feed Donald Trump. It’s by desperation that she’s getting my vote,” says one protester.
Kate Aronoff
The Biggest Israel Aid Deal in History Will Bolster Occupation and the U.S. Defense Industry
A U.S. $38 billion aid package to Israel continues a special relationship of war profiteering.
Max Ajl
House Republicans Are Trying to Quash the Investigation of Exxon’s Climate Cover-Up
The climate action groups and state Attorneys General leading the charge against Exxon are now facing subpoenas.
Kate Aronoff
The Execution That Birthed a Movement
Troy Davis' death on Sept. 21, 2011, transformed Occupy and kindled Black Lives Matter.
Jen Marlowe and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
A Progressive Wave Rolls Through Rhode Island With 4 Working Families Party Wins
The winning candidates believed “the Democratic Party wasn't representing their values." They were right.
Theo Anderson
If You Thought Obama Was Giving Less Military Gear to Local Police Departments, You Were Wrong
Despite the President's executive order, police are receiving as much hardware from the Pentagon as ever.
Seth Kershner
On the Clinton Foundation, Why Are Journalists Telling Us to Look the Other Way?
Hillary Clinton’s media sycophants appear to have forgotten how political corruption works.
Joel Bleifuss
Our Most Vital Infrastructure Isn’t “Crumbling.” It Hasn’t Been Built Yet.
To fight climate change, we need a new vision for green transit.
Theo Anderson
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