The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

The Vermont-New York Heroin-and-Guns Carousel That Can Make Dealers a 1,400% Profit
Shooting up in Vermont, shooting up New York.
Terry J. Allen
How Amy Winehouse’s Pain Was Commodified
The new documentary AMY reveals how the media--and the men in her life--exploited Winehouse's mental illness, only to deify her after her death.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Our Real ‘Munich Moment’ Isn’t Over Negotiations with Iran—It’s on Climate Change
We are, indeed on the brink of global disaster, but not because of our negotiations with Iran.
Theo Anderson
As Anti-Choice Fundamentalists Descend on Alabama, One Abortion Doctor Refuses To Be Bullied
Dr. Willie Parker, the last abortion doctor in Mississippi, is bracing for a week of potentially violent protests in his hometown of Birmingham.
Stephanie Gilmore
Why Black Queer Activists Engaged in Civil Disobedience at Chicago Gay Pride Parade
"We tried to make it clear that we’re not looking to transform Pride, but have the larger LGBT community, mostly gay and lesbian cisgender white folks, understand what it means to invest in communities of color that are trans and queer."
H. Melt
Faced With I-9 Immigration Raid During Negotiations, Chicago Meatpacking Workers Walked Off the Job
Yana Kunichoff
Ready for Warren Asked Their Members if They Should Back Bernie Sanders. Why Won’t MoveOn and DFA?
Activists who wanted Elizabeth Warren to run for president took a poll and decided to endorse Bernie. Should other progressive organizations do the same?
Michael Payne
Seneca Lake’s Battle Against Fracking and Gas Storage
A coalition of farmers and vintners, doctors and lawyers, clean energy companies and reluctant do-it-yourself activists are fighting for the future of the Finger Lakes region.
Ellen Cantarow
California Hunger Strikes Two Years On: What Has Changed?
George Lavender
Death from Above, Remotely Controlled: Obama’s Drone Wars
History will view drone warfare as the Obama administration’s signature approach to military engagement.
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad
Rural America
FDA Bans Trans Fats, Leaves Void in Food Industry
Maia Welbel
The NRA’s Bully Pulpit
America's most dangerous nonprofit has a stranglehold on public policy.
Susan J. Douglas
Our Neo-Confederacy
The flag may be wiped from state grounds and license plates, but its ideals live on in the GOP agenda
Salim Muwakkil
The Greek Crisis Shows the Fundamentally Undemocratic Nature of the Eurozone
To the Troika, the election of Syriza, the referendum vote and the basic principles of democracy are meaningless.
Alexandros Orphanides
After the Confederate Flags Come Down, Everything Named After Nathan Bedford Forrest Should Be Next
The Confederate general and KKK "grand wizard" belongs on the short list of the most vile white supremacists in American history. Yet parks and monuments in his name can be found throughout the South.
Peter Cole
What Liberal Supreme Court? SCOTUS Rules Against Power Plant Regulations for Dangerous Toxins
In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled that power companies can pump large levels of mercury and other toxins into the air.
Kamil Ahsan
WashPost Asks if Greece Can Be Trusted To Cut Spending… When It’s Already Cut Spending 23 Percent
After Greece Cuts a Quarter of Its Budget, WaPo Asks if It’s Willing to ‘Trim Spending’
Jim Naureckas
Rolling Back the New “Gilded Age” With Labor’s New Militant Minority
Charlie Post
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