The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover
Is Local TV Going Down the Tubes?
An FCC loophole allows media conglomerates to corner smaller broadcast markets.
Cole Stangler
The Politics of Food Stamps
Matt Bors
It’s Not Safe Out There
Weak laws and an understaffed OSHA leave workers vulnerable and voiceless
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Flipping the House in 2014
Next year's congressional elections call for a more unified, progressive and revitalized Democratic Party.
Carl Davidson
What To Expect When You’re Electing: A New York City Ballot Roundup (Updated)
Sarah Jaffe
Picturing an End to New York City’s Homelessness Crisis
More than 50,000 New Yorkers are homeless. Here's what the new mayor could do to help.
Molly Knefel
President Obama: Incompetent or Liar?
Without Snowden leaks, the president wouldn’t even know that the NSA spies on world leaders.
Steven Hill
Homeland, Season 3, Episode 6: Journey to the Center of Saul’s Man-Pain
Homeland puts Saul’s midlife crisis over the welfare (and sanity) of its female characters.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
A decent proposal: to reduce recidivism, more prisons should allow conjugal visits
Matt Stroud
The Adoption-Industrial Complex
Is U.S. domestic adoption about children or profit?
Jessica Stites
Progressive Chicagoans Take Budget Hearings into Their Own Hands—No Emanuel Necessary
Matthew Blake
OSHA Weaknesses Force Workers to Choose: Report Safety Violations, or Keep Their Jobs?
Mike Elk
5th Circuit Shutters up to a Third of Texas Abortion Clinics
Lindsay Beyerstein
The Real Problem with Obamacare
Where the defeat of single-payer healthcare has gotten us.
David Sirota
The National Labor Relations Board Is Back at Full Throttle
Bruce Vail
A Halloween Nightmare in Juárez
Michelle Chen
What Our Country Has Done for Us
The high hopes of JFK's day have mostly been dashed.
Susan J. Douglas
The War on the Gullible
75 years after the 'War of the Worlds' broadcast, Americans are still panicked by fake news.
Susan J. Douglas