The Wisconsin Idea

The Good Years May Be Over, and Labor Didn't Get Much
The meager returns of Democratic control of the government remind us that true power comes from organizing workers.
Hamilton Nolan
ViewpointCover Story
How the Democrats Won and Lost the 2022 Midterms
What the surprising results mean for the electoral Left.
Maurice Mitchell
Unionizing Is Now a Constitutional Right in Illinois. Here’s How It Happened.
In Tuesday's midterm elections, a majority of Illinois voters backed the Workers Rights Amendment which will enshrine the ability to organize. A coalition of unions, along with socialists, helped propel the campaign.
Jeff Schuhrke
In Key Swing States, Union Members Are Democrats’ Last Line of Defense
In 2020, UNITE HERE workers led the charge in canvassing voters and played a key role in Democrats’ electoral victories. This year, they’re taking the lead once again.
Maximillian Alvarez
They Waged the Largest Private-Sector Nurses’ Strike in U.S. History. They’re Still Waiting for Justice.
Minnesota nurses made national headlines by going on strike this fall, but as contract negotiations stall, they’re fighting for a voice on the job.
Sarah Lazare
The Protest Camp Where Houseless Activists Fight Luxury High Rises
Houseless protesters in Chicago occupied a parking lot and then set up a long-term camp to fight gentrification—with the support of the neighborhood.
Hana Urban
Lessons From the U.S. Left on Taking Power Vs. Organizing on the Outside
As social movements move beyond the default anarchist sensibility that prevailed through Occupy, they must still reckon with hard questions about bureaucracy and cooptation.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
It’s Time For a Ceasefire in Ukraine
A ceasefire in Ukraine has been needed since day one—and it’s more urgent now than ever.
Phyllis Bennis
Teamsters President Sean O’Brien Vows to “Pulverize” UPS in Fiery TDU Convention Speech
The first TDU-endorsed leader in 30 years sought to meet the hopes of the militant rank-and-file, promising a UPS strike if needed.
Stephen Franklin
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