The Wisconsin Idea

How Our Bloated Military Strengthens the Police State
The violent U.S. domination of people of color overseas is inextricably linked to the oppression of people of color at home.
Shireen Al-Adeimi and Sarah Lazare

Chicago Teachers Join the Nationwide Movement to Kick Cops Out of Schools
Indigo Olivier

Workers United Branch Calls on AFL-CIO to Expel Police Unions
Hamilton Nolan

Market Logic Is Literally Killing Us
Historically, during national emergencies like World War II, the U.S. government subordinated business interests to the public good. Why can't it do so in the Covid-19 crisis?
Rick Perlstein

Want to Defeat Trump Without Campaigning for Biden? Here’s How.
Socialists and other Bernie Sanders supporters can play a critical role in defeating right-wing populism while building a left-wing alternative for the long term—by going down-ballot.
David Duhalde

Our Biden Problem
Movements face a challenge: how to oust Trump while still combatting Biden's neoliberalism.
Barbara Ransby

The Most Radical Union in the U.S. Is Shutting Down the Ports on Juneteenth
Peter Cole

Assisted Living Facility Staffer Says He Was Fired for Organizing His Coworkers During the Pandemic
Hamilton Nolan

Why Our Union Is Asking the AFL-CIO to Get Rid of Police Unions
In These Times Union