The Wisconsin Idea

How to Save the Restaurant Workforce From Being Casualties of The Covid-19 Crisis
In an interview, One Fair Wage President Saru Jayaraman explains that the post-Covid future offers two possible directions for restaurant workers—dignity or poverty.
Michelle Chen
Amid Minneapolis Uprising, Anti-War Veterans Call On National Guard to Stand Down
"We urge you to have the courage to do the right thing. Refuse activation orders."
Sarah Lazare
Major Public Defense Nonprofit in New York Is Unionizing
Hamilton Nolan
There’s Room for Solidarity Between the Working Class and Progressive Professionals
Max and his brother Zak talk about meritocracy, work in the corporate world, and that feeling in your gut that most of what you do is pointless.
Maximillian Alvarez
Fight Over Safe Reopening Is The Latest Front in “Civil War” at the EPA
Hamilton Nolan
Corporate Lawsuits Could Devastate Poor Countries Grappling with Covid-19
Wealthy corporations may use trade courts to keep public health measures from cutting into their profits.
Manuel Pérez-Rocha
Rural America
For Decades the U.S. Punished Indigenous Healers. Now the Indian Health Service Wants to Hire Them
Sydney Akridge
Philippine Call Center Workers Are in Danger. It’s Our Problem, Too.
Michael Galant
Former Leaders of SDS, Meet the Current Members of DSA
The authors of "An Open Letter to the New New Left From the Old New Left" failed to grasp several things about the Democratic Socialists of America.
Joel Bleifuss
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