The Wisconsin Idea

Fox News, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda
For nearly a quarter of American adults, Fox News is their only cable news source. It tells them what Trump wants them to hear.
Joel Bleifuss
Using Roleplaying To Imagine Life Under a Green New Deal—Dungeons & Dragons Style
Instead of wizards and clerics, Iowans are envisioning roles like community planners and memory stewards, in an environmentally and economically just society.
Gavin Aronsen
Buttigieg Is Shocked, Shocked at McKinsey’s Transgressions. But It Was Notorious When He Joined It.
McKinsey was embroiled in a nationwide scandal over helping insurance companies squeeze customers.
Branko Marcetic
“The Algorithm Made Us Do It”: How Bosses at Instacart “Mathwash” Labor Exploitation
Audrey Winn
CAP Publicly Distanced Itself From the UAE. 8 Months Later, It Was Still Meeting with UAE Lobbyists.
A foreign policy expert at the influential think tank remained close to UAE lobbyists.
Sarah Lazare
Cities Aren’t Waiting for a Federal Green New Deal
Activists are pushing sweeping climate action at the local level.
Indigo Olivier
Trump’s North America Trade Deal Is Poised to Worsen Climate Change—But Dems Don’t Seem To Mind
Rachel M. Cohen
Rural America
This Oasis Shows the Diverse History of the Mexico Borderlands. Trump’s Wall Threatens to Destroy It
Jared Orsi
InvestigationGoodman Institute
The “Collateral Damage” of the U.S.’s Unofficial War in Somalia
"Surgical" U.S. air strikes in Somalia affect more than just their targets.
Amanda Sperber
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