The Wisconsin Idea

Even in Bankruptcy, Coal Companies Can’t Stop Selling Out Workers
The industry sees its employees like it sees the Earth: Just another resource to exploit.
Sarah Lazare
Why Did Democrats Give Trump a Win on NAFTA 2.0?
Michael Arria
BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren Joins Bernie Sanders in Opposing Trump’s Massive War Budget
All other 2020 candidates have remained silent on how they will vote.
Sarah Lazare
Centrists Don’t Want “Party Unity”—They Want to Defend the Wealthy
Attacks by moderate Democrats on Bernie Sanders are really about defending corporate power and structural inequality.
Christopher D. Cook
Climate Change Is Fueling a Farming Boom in Alaska
It's becoming easier for the northern state to grow its own food—and more necessary.
Yereth Rosen
Trump Has Quietly Implemented a Far-Right Takeover of the Courts That Will Last Generations
Imperiling progressive change "for as long as we live," 1 in 5 federal judges is now a Trump appointee.
Jake Johnson
“Quite Divorced From Reality”: Climate Scientist, Activists Call Out Shell Exec at UN Conference
The oil company is posing as a climate champion, but critics call it greenwashing.
Christine MacDonald
Rural America
First Amendment Loses as Pipeline Industry Scores Another Win in Wisconsin
Joseph Bullington
Restorative Justice: A Much-Needed Alternative to Mass Incarceration
Courts and schools across the country are looking beyond punishment.
In These Times Editors
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