The Wisconsin Idea

Trump’s New Labor Pick Eugene Scalia Will Be a Catastrophe For Workers Rights
Heidi Shierholz, Lynn Rhinehart, Celine McNicholas

How the U.S. Left Should Approach China
From trade policy to Hong Kong, progressives must oppose xenophobia and nationalism while advancing labor and human rights.
Tobita Chow

The “Democratic” in DSA
The Democratic Socialists of America recommitted itself to using “elections, public offices and legislation” to build support for democratic socialist ideas.
Joel Bleifuss

When It Comes to Bereavement Leave, the U.S. Is Unspeakably Cruel
Julianne Tveten

A CAP Analyst’s Red-Baiting Book Accidentally Makes the Case for Socialism
Warren advisor Ganesh Sitaraman and Yale Law School professor Anne L. Alstott bend over backward to fix capitalism. And prove they can’t.
Phyllis Eckhaus

The Shocking Lack of Diversity on State Supreme Courts
White male-dominated courts are a threat to judicial impartiality—and to democracy.
Daniel Fernandez

Bill McKibben: Today Could Mark the Largest Day of Climate Action in Planetary History
Why students and workers across the globe are going on a climate strike.
Bill McKibben

The Unions Backing Friday’s Global Climate Strike—And What It Means
Sarah Lazare

Rural America
Can the Corporate Takeover of Dairy Farms be Stopped?
John Ikerd