The Wisconsin Idea

A Call for Clear Heads on Venezuela: How To Criticize Maduro While Opposing U.S. Regime Change
Working-class Venezuelans have long pushed the chavista government for greater democracy and justice—without ceding ground to the right-wing opposition.
Alejandro Velasco
Street Art Used To Be the Voice of the People. Now It’s the Voice of Advertisers.
Corporations like Red Bull and Stella Artois are co-opting graffiti art.
Christine MacDonald
Sherrod Brown Is Out for 2020, But the Fight for Workers’ Rights Is Not
Kelly Candaele
Young Black Feminists Have Some Pointers for Obama
Instead of scolding Black youth, Assata's Daughters is helping them organize to transform the world.
Eli Day
Will 2020 Be the Year Presidential Candidates Actually Take Labor Issues Seriously?
David Goodner
Another Failed Coup in Venezuela?
The Venezuelan opposition and its backers in Washington may have underestimated the Chavista grassroots.
George Ciccariello-Maher
Why Is Dianne Feinstein So Opposed to the Green New Deal? Look at Her Family Finances.
Sen. Feinstein has direct financial interests in the same fossil fuel companies that the Green New Deal threatens.
Branko Marcetic
Why False Accusations of Anti-Semitism Against Ilhan Omar Are So Harmful
Bad-faith smears of Omar and many others are being used to crush Palestinian rights, undermine social movements and divert attention from real anti-Semitism.
Phyllis Bennis
The Oakland Teachers Strike Isn’t Just a Walk Out—It’s a Direct Challenge to Neoliberalism
Lois Weiner
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