The Wisconsin Idea

Beyond Girl Power: The Answer to the Commodification of Feminism Is a Women-Led Socialist Movement
Liberals are whitewashing feminism and watering down the legacies of socialist women. We mustn't let them rewrite history.
Roqayah Chamseddine
The Typical Workplace Is a Dictatorship. But It Doesn’t Have To Be.
Socialists and progressives have a variety of ideas to bring democracy into the workplace.
In These Times Editors
Robert Reich: Break Up Facebook (and, While We’re At It, Google, Apple and Amazon)
Robert Reich
These LA Activists Are Showing How to Fight Surveillance Under Trump
Racial justice organizers stopped the mayor from expanding an Islamophobic "counter-terrorism" program. They're building a coalition to end all spying on communities of color.
Aviva Stahl
How Graduate Unions Are Winning—and Scaring the Hell out of Bosses—in the Trump Era
Daniel Moattar
The First-Ever National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Was Just Unveiled—And It’s a Game Changer
Rebecca Stoner
After Reports of Sweetheart Deal for Billionaire Pedophile, Calls Grow on Trump Labor Sec. to Resign
Jake Johnson
Witness: I Am On the Refugee Caravan and Saw the Tear Gas Attack. Here Are Our Demands.
A conversation with Milton Benítez, Honduran activist and host of the popular television program El Perro Amarrillo.
Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco and Sarah Lazare
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Push for a Green New Deal Is Not Just Good Policy—It’s Political Genius
By taking the demand straight to the halls of power, Ocasio-Cortez is building support for a policy that could stave off climate change and transform the economy.
Jim Pugh
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