The Wisconsin Idea

When You Live In a Colony, You Are Easy Meat: Guam In the Crosshairs of Warmongering
Escalating tensions between the United States and North Korea directly threaten the people of Guam.
Julian Aguon
The Climate Movement’s New Battle Cry
100 percent renewable—we can’t settle for less.
Bill McKibben
Nausea After Charlottesville: A Reflection on Anti-Semitism
An incident in 1967 in a small town in New Jersey shows how difficult it is to heal the deep wounds of hatred.
Jonathan Kalb
5 Things the Mainstream Media Missed About Charlottesville
We can't ignore the long history of white supremacist violence—and anti-fascist organizing.
Shane Burley and Alexander Reid Ross
Workers May Have Just Killed Missouri’s Right to Work Law
Jeff Schuhrke
Trump Is Using Old Jim Crow Tactics to Usher in a New Era of Racist Violence
To defeat this administration's racist governance-by-suggestion, we need movements—not just policy.
Stephanie Guilloud and Emery Wright
Meet the LGBTQ Prison Abolitionists Leading the Way to a Better World
For Black and Pink, relationship-building plays a critical role in countering the violence of prisons.
Sophie Drukman-Feldstein
If You Support the Durham Freedom Fighters, Now Is the Time to Have Their Backs
Organizer Angaza Laughinghouse on the wave of retaliation following the toppling of a Confederate monument.
Sarah Jaffe
The Philippine Labor Movement Is Beginning to Turn Against Authoritarian Rule
Michelle Chen
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