The Wisconsin Idea

The Paradox of Bernie Sanders and the Black Voter
Despite Sanders' historic election, we still don’t seem any closer to resolving the rancorous intra-left debates about race and class.
Salim Muwakkil
From Broad City to the Era of the Single, Independent Woman: Female Solidarity Has Gone Mainstream
Amy Schumer, Samantha Bee and Rebecca Traister herald a new epoch of female independence
Susan J. Douglas
Labor Notes Conference Gathers Over 2,000 ‘Troublemaker’ Workers and Organizers in Chicago
David Moberg
To Reform the Police, We Have To Expand Democratic Power Over Them
Technocratic tinkering will not solve the American problem of police brutality and community distrust of law enforcement.
Ben Rosenfield
Understanding What Makes Donald Trump Voters Tick: Is It Just Racism?
In Trump's appeal, the Left seeks clues on winning back the white working-class.
Ian Haney López and Matt Morrison
Speaking to High Schoolers About the Truth of War Helped Me Deal with My Trauma from Being a Soldier
If a teenager is going to sign up to kill and die for a cause or even the promise of a better life, then the least he or she should know is the good, the bad and the ugly about the job.
Rory Fanning
Rural America
Clean Power Plan: An Equitable Energy Transition in Rural America
Tara Ritter
Why the Labor Movement Must Join the Anti-Racist Struggle To Make Black Lives Matter
Andrew Tillett-Saks
American and Palestinian Unionists Build International Solidarity To Win ‘Freedom’ for Palestine
Jeff Schuhrke
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