The Wisconsin Idea

None of the Democratic Candidates Have Gotten Syria Right: Why They Should Be Talking Peace, Not War
Obama has finally taken a tentative path toward a viable solution--but may waffle without support
Stephen R. Weissman
Watching Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Hateful Eight’ Is Three Hours of Self-Punishment and I Loved It
Tarantino gives us a hangman-based civilization, with specious “law and order” talk doing nothing to obscure the essential cruelty of his characters’ actions.
Eileen Jones
Rahm Emanuel Is Trying To Pay Wall Street Banks Even More for Chicago’s Bad Financial Deals
Saqib Bhatti
The Obama Administration Is Continuing a Failed Strategy of Building Military Bases Around the World
The United States seems intent on continuing its imperialistic policies in the Middle East (and worldwide).
David Vine
The Tragedy of Al Jazeera America’s Demise
Ari Paul
The Other Keystone: The Alberta Clipper, the Pipeline No One Is Talking About
The Alberta Clipper pipeline is already transporting huge quantities of oil, but is doing so under the radar.
Branko Marcetic
Los Angeles Charter Teachers Say Their Administration Is Aggressively Trying To Bust Their Union
Bruce Vail
A New Documentary Explores the Anti-Apartheid Activists in South Africa You Never Learned About
A new film project explores a long-forgotten chapter in the global struggle against apartheid.
Peter Cole
Why Did My Union Give an Early Endorsement to Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders?
John E. McElhenny II
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