The Wisconsin Idea

You Probably Haven’t Seen the Ten Best Films of 2015
They're obscure, they're poorly distributed—but you can track them down. It will be worth it.
Michael Atkinson

“My Words Are Dangerous”: An Interview with Christopher Zoukis
Aviva Stahl

Trump Bullies, Boasts and Bullshits in Bernie’s Burlington
Sitting in the audience was like watching blood dry—a convergence of the compellingly grotesque and the mind-numbingly boring.
Terry J. Allen

Big Money, Small Farmers and the Stubborn Persistence of Hunger
We haven't yet found the answer to the persistent problem of hunger around the world. Maybe we should ask radical peasants in the global south.
Max Ajl

Bernie Sanders Calls For an End to Mass Deportation Raids of Central American Immigrants
Sanders claims the Obama administration's raids of Central American families and children are inconsistent with American values—and must be stopped. Hillary Clinton's past support of such deportations sets her apart.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Chicago Teachers Union Joins Demand for Rahm Emanuel, Anita Alvarez To Resign
Micah Uetricht

Expanding Housing Assistance to the Poor and Middle Class Is Actually Easier Than You Think
We'd just have to take away subsidies to people who are rich enough not to need them.
Daniel Hertz

UAW Overrules Academic Workers BDS Vote Against Israel Despite Finding Strong Turnout, No Misconduct
Mario Vasquez

YallQaeda and America’s Law Enforcement Priorities
Matt Bors