The Wisconsin Idea

Europe, A Love Story: Michael Moore’s Latest Film Tries To Sell Social Democracy to America
In 'Where To Invade Next,' Moore marches around Europe with a flag on his shoulder, to dubious effect.
Jeremy Gantz
Blame Anyone but the Corporations: GOP Fear-Mongering Distracts from the TPP
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
8 Terrible Things About the Trans-Pacific Partnership
It's no wonder the Obama administration tried to keep this secret—the corporate-friendly trade agreement, decoded.
David Moberg
Conviction Vacated in 28-Year Innocence Case
Susan Greene, Colorado Independent
The Blacklist in ‘Trumbo’ Didn’t Just Restrict Free Speech. It Changed How We Talk About Freedom.
Trumbo misses the opportunity to tell a more faithful, radical narrative of cinema's Red Scare and its resistors.
Andrew Paul
U.S. To Increase Worker Protection From Deadly Silica Dust for First Time in More Than 40 Years
Elizabeth Grossman
In Landslide Election, University of Chicago Adjuncts Vote to Form Union
Lauren Kaori Gurley
The Paris Climate Agreement Sets Ambitious Goals, But Countries Won’t Achieve Them—Without Us
COP21's heart may have been in the right place, but by the numbers, the sum is still climate catastrophe.
Tom Ladendorf
Artist Molly Crabapple on Refusing Lena Dunham, Sketching Occupy and Achieving Cockroach-Free Hair
Molly Crabapple tells In These Times about her new memoir—and true to form, the interview is no-bullshit in tone and global in scope.
Rachel Luban
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