The Wisconsin Idea

After Teachers Expose Racist Phonics Curriculum, Minneapolis Schools Cut Contract
Activists said the reading materials were untested, insensitive and clueless.
Sarah Lahm
What Was Won and Lost in Steven Salaita’s University of Illinois Settlement
Salaita’s settlement is a victory for him and academic freedom. But will we ever know who was watching him—and us?
Marilyn Katz
Don’t Scapegoat College Football Players for the Underfunding of American Higher Education
Frank Manzo IV
3 Winners and 3 Losers from the Second Democratic Debate
Parsing the results of the Iowa debate.
Theo Anderson
Documenting the Rise and Fall of Chicago’s Cabrini-Green Public Housing Projects
A new film traces the history of America's most famous—and infamous—housing projects.
Maya Dukmasova
How a ‘Right to Your Job’ Law Could Help Unions Fight Back Against ‘Right to Work’
Shaun Richman
Slavoj Zizek: In the Wake of Paris Attacks the Left Must Embrace Its Radical Western Roots
Zizek responds to his critics on the refugee crisis.
Slavoj Žižek
The Paris Attacks Can’t Be Used To Limit Refugees or Blindly Bomb More Civilians
Our response to such unspeakable tragedies can't be to create even more tragedies in other countries.
Gregory Shupak
Amherst College Students Are Occupying Their Library Right Now Over Racial Justice Demands
The students join what appears to be a growing wave of student activism around racism at universities around the country.
Marc Daalder
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