The Wisconsin Idea

The Right’s Anti-Minimum Wage Arguments Have Pretty Much Stayed the Same for 80 Years
Branko Marcetic

Meet the Green Chemist Who Is Out To Make Chemicals Less Toxic for Humans and the Environment
John Warner brings us Green Chemistry, challenging chemists' toxicology standards.
Valerie Brown

Hey Girl. Ryan Gosling Wants You to Watch This Video of Bernie Sanders Denouncing Racism.
The Hollywood star is asking followers to share a video of the presidential hopeful denouncing racism as a tool to divide and conquer ordinary Americans.
Branko Marcetic

Postal Workers Union Delivers Its Endorsement to Bernie Sanders
Branko Marcetic

Why Cities Around the Country Should Adopt Municipal ID Programs
The IDs have proven a game-changer for immigrants in New York City, New Haven and elsewhere.
Emily Tucker

Love in the Time of 3D Boners
Do the genitalia in Gaspar Noé’s Love herald the rise or the fall of 3D cinema?
Michael Atkinson
Thousands of Prisoners Released After Drug Sentences Reduced, But One in Three May Face Deportation
George Lavender

Who’s Really Fighting in Syria
Matt Bors

In Latest Round of Fast Food Strikes, Fight for $15 Tells Politicians: “Come Get My Vote”
David Moberg