The Wisconsin Idea

Who’s Really Fighting in Syria
Matt Bors

In Latest Round of Fast Food Strikes, Fight for $15 Tells Politicians: “Come Get My Vote”
David Moberg

New Hillary Clinton Emails Show She Wanted Credit for Libya Intervention in 2011. Now She Doesn’t.
The latest tranche of Clinton emails recalls her pivotal role in the U.S. intervention.
Branko Marcetic

The GOP Debate Finally Got Substantive… But That Didn’t Make It Any Less Terrifying
Last night’s debate on economic issues showed yet again how uninterested the GOP is in fighting inequality.
Marc Daalder

Meet the 24-Year-Old “RINO Hunter” On a Mission To Purge the GOP of Moderates
Zachary Werrell helped take down former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Speaker John Boehner. Now he's taking on the entire Republican establishment.
Waleed Shahid

Civility and Its Discontents
Dissident academic Steven Salaita takes a stand in defense of incivility.
Charlotte Silver

Will the EPA Ban a Pesticide That’s Been Lowering Children’s IQs for Years?
Elizabeth Grossman

After Video of Calif. Police Breaking Up Teachers Union Meeting Goes Viral, School Apologizes
Mario Vasquez

The TPP Won’t Just Cost Workers Jobs—It Could Cost Them Their Lives, Too
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President