The Wisconsin Idea

RIP Jose Guerrero
Eric Garcia

RIP Jose Guerrero
Eric Garcia

Canadian Superiority
Matt Bors

At Colleges, Running Backs Get All the Greenbacks, While Academic Students Fight Over Crumbs
College football has become a bloated, multi-million dollar business, subverting the original mission of universities—education.
Gilbert M. Gaul

For Israel, ‘Human Rights’ Has Meant the Right To Dominate Palestinians
The idea of human rights has too often been put to use by perpetrators rather than victims.
Belen Fernandez

You Have Less Than Three Days To Bid on the Menstrual Blood Portrait of Donald Trump on eBay
Proceeds from the painting will go to an immigrant and workers rights organization in Portland.
Branko Marcetic

The Kabuki Theatre That Is the White House’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
Jim Hightower

The Refugee Crisis No One’s Talking About
The Central American refugee crisis is just as large and urgent as the Syrian refugee crisis. Why are we ignoring it?
Joseph Sorrentino

These Activists Are Trying To Solve the Housing Crisis—By Suing the Suburbs
Bay Area activists take a suburb to court, saying it refused to allow high-density housing
s.e. smith